Approvals, conformities, certifications
The product "GWG 23-Ro / GWG 23-Wa / GWG 23-T" complies with:
EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
Construction Products Directive (EU) No. 305/2011 and No. 574/2014
RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU)
The product "GWG 23-Ro / GWG 23-Wa" with the yellow fitting for pipe
mounting or wall mounting additionally complies with:
ATEX Equipment Directive (2014/34/EU)
The marking of these products is: II 1G Ex ia IIB T3 Ga and
II 1/2G Ex ia IIB T3 Ga/Gb
Technical data
General specifications
Probe length
Inductance (externally effective)
Capacitance (externally effective) Negligibly small
Connection data
Degree of protection
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature operation
Temperature of the medium
Table 1: Technical data
Product description
GWG 23-Ro / GWG 23-Wa / GWG 23-T
400 mm, 500 mm, 700 mm, 1000 mm
Special version up to max. 3000 mm
Negligibly small
The level sensor many only be con-
nected to an interface as per EN 16657
IP 68 (without cap and fitting for wall
mounting for version GWG-23-Wa)
-25 ... 60 °C
-25 ... 50 °C