3. Export Sun ONE Web Server keys to PKCS#12 format
4. Import keys from PKCS#12 format for Sun ONE Web Server
Your selection (0 to quit): 2
You will now be prompted for four pieces of information:
1. The location of the Sun ONE Application Server binaries
2. The location where Sun ONE Server domains are stored
3. The Application Server domain (e.g. domain1)
4. The Application Server server name (e.g. server1)
Full path to Application Server binaries: [/opt/SUNWappserver7]:
Full path to Application Server domains: [/var/opt/SUNWappserver7]:
Application Server domain: domain1
Application Server server name: server1
This script will update your Sun ONE Application Server installation
in /opt/SUNWappserver7 to use the Sun Crypto Accelerator.
You will need to restart your admin server after this has completed.
Ok to proceed? [Y/N]: y
Using database directory
Module "Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000" added to database.
/opt/SUNWappserver7 has been configured to use
the Sun Crypto Accelerator.
<Press ENTER to continue>
3. Saisissez 0 pour quitter.
Pour utiliser l'option 3 du script iplsslcfg
Cette option permet d'exporter des certificats et des clés SSL de la base de données
interne du serveur Sun ONE Web au format PKCS#12. Ces certificats peuvent alors
être réimportés dans le module Crypto Accelerator 4000 de Sun.
1. Tapez l'instruction suivante pour exécuter le script iplsslcfg :
# /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/bin/iplsslcfg
Chapitre 4 Administration de la Carte Crypto Accelerator 4000 de Sun