When it leaves the factory the machine has a standard setting, but it may be necessary to adjust
grinding further due to various external factors such as the type of mixture used, the humidity,
temperature, or the particular distribution requirements of the espresso coffee machine.
The degree of grinding may be further corrected by shifting the grinding adjustment disc (6 Fig. 1)
at the base of the hopper (see Fig. 9).
To obtain a finer grind, move the grinding adjustment disc in a counter-clockwise direction.
To obtain a coarser grind, move the grinding adjustment disc in a clockwise direction.
Always take care to move the disc with the motor turning and empty (without coffee between
the burrs).
NOTE! It is reommended to grind small amounts of coffee, letting the burrs empty with every
regulating attempt, by opening and closing the shutter (7 Fig. 5) each time.
Coarser grind:
clockwise direction
SETTING THE GRINDING TIMES (E6P - E7P) - see Fig. 10 and Fig. 11
Note: Due to the shape and design of the burrs, for the first use only, a short run-in period of
grinding coffee beans is necessary to obtain a consistent weight of the shot.
To change the grinding time of both shots, you must enter the "Time" mode by pressing the button
(15 Fig. 4) in the main screen (in the "Time" screen, if nothing is pressed, after three
seconds you return to the main one).
Finer grind:
counter-clockwise direction
Fig. 9