- With the seat facing Opposite to the direction of travel :
choose the slots at the shoulders of the child's height or slightly below
(Fig. 23).
- With the seat facing in the direction of travel:
choose the slots at the shoulders of the child's height or slightly above
(Fig. 24).
To change the position of the shoulder straps, proceed as follows:
Loosen the belts as much as possible by pressing the harness release
button (part "L"), located in the front middle of the child seat, and
pulling out the steel plate, connecting the shoulder straps and the
adjustment strap, located behind the seat (Fig. 25).
Place the seatback in the fully reclined position, using the lever tilt
adjustment (part "N").
Unhook the shoulder straps from the connecting plate (Fig. 25).
Pull both belts from the slots where they are and pass them through the
most suitable ones in relation to the child's height (Fig. 26).
The belts securing the shoulder straps' pads to the backrest must also
be moved accordingly, in the same slots of the harness belts.
Having done that, carefully check that the belts have not been twisted
and tension is adequately adjusted through the harness adjustment
strap (part "C").
In case of a difficult sliding, check that the seat belt routing is correct.
A - Seat
B - Base
C - Harness adjustment belt
D - Hugger cushion
E - Seat belt diagonal section Guide
F - Seat belt horizontal section Guide
G – Seat belt lock-off clamps
H - Harness