2. Placing
2.1 Prescriptions
For installation and for connection of flue, the requirements of the Fire Regulations
(FeuVO in Germany) apply, as well as local building regulations such as the following
technical standards DIN 18896, DIN 4705, EN 13384, DIN 18160, EN 1856-2 and EN
15287. In order for the stove to function correctly the chimney to which you want to
connect the stove must be in good condition.
2.2 Place of installation
The stove draws the air required for burning from the surrounding room. You must
ensure that sufficient air can be drawn in through non-sealed windows and outside
doors. In addition you must ensure that a room volume/heat capacity ratio of at least 4
m³ per kW nominal heat capacity is available. If the volume is less than this, then air
vents can be used to provide access to further air supply in other rooms (connecting
vents min. 150 cm²).
2.3 Distances
All combustible equipment, furniture or e.g. decoration materials which are in the close
environment of the fire-place shall be protected from the heat.
Furnishings in the radiation area
Keep a minimal distance of 100 cm (A) between the front cover of the fire-place and
the combustible equipment, furniture or e.g. decoration materials.
The security distance can be lowered to 50 cm if a heat shield is put in front of the
object to be protected (B) (see our example on drawing no. 2).
Furnishings outside the radiation area
The walls beside and behind the fire-place shall not be made of combustible materials
and they cannot be covered by such materials, unless the distance on the sides is
more than 60 cm and behind is more than 60 cm for all types, too.
Similarly to the wooden and plastic furniture on the sides a distance of 60 cm, shall be
kept (see Pic. no. 3).
60 cm
60 cm
60 cm
Pic. 3
Pic. 3
Pic. 2
Floor in front of and under the fireplace
Floors made from combustible materials, such as carpets, parquet floors or cork is to
be protected by a shield of non-combustible material – for example ceramics, stone,
glass or steel – placed under the fireplace so that it should reach out to
50 cm in front and 30 cm besides.