9. Sto ra ge
Pre pa ra ti on for sto ra ge
If the ma chine is to be shut down for an ex tended time (lon ger
than 6 weeks), it should be placed stably on a pal let on a firm,
even sur face.
The stor age area should be dry and pro tected.
The am bi ent tem per a ture should be be tween 0°C / 32°F and
45°C / 113°F.
Be fore stor ing the ma chine
clean it thor oughly
check for leaks and dam age, and fix any prob lems.
cover it with a pro tec tive tar pau lin.
Re turn to ser vice
Be fore us ing the ma chine again, check for
de fec tive or leaky hy drau lic hoses, and
any other dam age.
Re pair any prob lems found.
Check all screw joints and tighten them.