Vul kol lan plate
For compaction of paving sto nes, it is re com men ded to use
Vulkollan pla tes to prevent damages to the compaction
material and to the ma chi ne.
Hook in the pla te (1) and tighten the nuts.
Spe ci al ac ces so ries
Wa ter spray
Fill the wa ter tank only with wa ter or an ti free ze mix -
tu re.
If the re is dan ger of free zing, emp ty the wa ter
sprink ler or fill it with an ti free ze mix tu re.
Fill the wa ter tank (1) through the tank ope ning (2).
Cock (3) tur ning
Po si ti on «0» = Wa ter spray OFF
Po si ti on «I»
= Wa ter spray ON
Spe ci al ac ces so ries
3. Ope ra ti on