Keil rie men
In ju ry ha zard.
Crush ing in ju ries can oc cur with an open-run ning belt
Do not start the en gi ne wit hout the V-belt gu ard.
It is im por tant to en su re that the fra me is also ac tu -
al ly pus hed on the rub ber stop con tact sur fa ces and
not just the rub ber ele ments are stret ched and then
spring back again. If ne ces sa ry ap ply light blows
with a ham mer to knock the rub ber stops
Check the ten si on of the V-belt af ter 25 op. hrs.
again. Ad just the ten si on if ne ces sa ry.
Re mo ve V-belt gu ard (1).
7. Main ten an ce (Ma chi ne)
Check V-belt (2) for ten si on and con di ti on.
Sla cken the nuts (3) of the rub ber buf fers on the out si de.
Push the en gi ne fra me back.
X: ca. 10 mm (0.4 in)
Both buf fers should be equal ly pre-ten sio ned.
Tighten nuts.
Crank the dri ve ma nu al ly and re check ten si on and cor rect if
ne ces sa ry.
Re pla ce V-belt gu ard.