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Liens rapides

See Warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product.
Operating Instructions
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.
Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or prop-
erty damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
Air operated spray guns are designed
to perform a variety of painting, coat-
ing, and finishing applications using
the power of compressed air.
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains information that is
very important to know and understand.
This information is provided for SAFETY
S. To help recognize this information,
observe the following symbols.
Danger indicates
an imminently haz-
ardous situation which, if not avoided,
WILL result in death or serious injury.
Warning indicates
a potentially haz-
ardous situation which, if not avoided,
COULD result in death or serious injury.
Caution indicates a
potentially hazard-
ous situation which, if not avoided, MAY
result in minor or moderate injury.
Notice indicates
important informa-
tion, that if not followed, may cause
damage to equipment.
After unpacking the product, inspect
carefully for any damage that may
have occurred during transit. Make
sure to tighten fittings, bolts, etc.,
before putting unit into service.
Do not operate
tool if damaged
during shipping, handling or use.
Damage could result in bursting and
cause injury or property damage.
General Safety
1. Read all manuals included
with this product carefully.
Be thoroughly familiar with
the controls and the proper
use of the equipment.
REMINDER: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes! Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping.
© 2008
2. Follow all local electrical and
safety codes as well as in the United
States, the National Electrical Codes
(NEC) and Occupational Safety and
Health Act (OSHA).
dust when you cut, sand,
drill or grind materials such
as wood, paint, metal, con-
crete, cement, or other masonry. This
dust often contains chemicals known to
cause cancer, birth defects, or other
reproductive harm. Wear protective gear.
Never spray closer than
25 feet to the compres-
sor! If possible, locate
compressor in separate
room. Never spray into
the compressor, compressor controls
or the motor.
Do not spray flammable
materials in vicinity of
open flame or near igni-
tion sources. Motors,
electrical equipment and controls can
cause electrical arcs that will ignite a
flammable gas or vapor. Never store
flammable liquids or gases in the
vicinity of the compressor.
Do not smoke or eat when spraying
paint, insecticides, or other flam-
mable substances.
Keep hose away from sharp objects.
Bursting air hoses may cause injury.
Examine air hoses regularly and
replace if damaged.
Always work in a clean environment.
To avoid injury or damage to the work-
piece, do not aim the spray gun at any
dust or debris.
Keep visitors away and NEVER allow
children or pets in the work area.
Spray Guns
You can
HDS Model Series
Use a face mask/respirator,
non-skid shoes, and protec-
tive clothing when spray-
ing. Always spray in a well ventilated
area to prevent health and fire hazards.
Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) of spray material for details.
Always wear eye
Never use oxygen, carbon dioxide,
combustible gases or any bottled gas
as an air source for the spray gun.
Such gases are capable of explosion
and serious injury to persons.
Do not misuse this product. Excessive
exposure to vibration, work in awk-
ward positions, and repetitive work
motions can cause injury to hands
and arms. Stop using any tool if dis-
comfort, numbness, tingling, or pain
occur, and consult a physician.
Never aim or spray at yourself or any-
one else or serious injury could occur.
Do not spray acids, corrosive materi-
als, toxic chemicals, fertilizers or pes-
ticides. Using these materials could
result in death or serious injury.
When spraying and cleaning, always
follow the instructions and safety
precautions provided by the material
manufacturer (Refer to MSDS).
Do not overreach. Keep prop-
er footing and balance at all
times. Proper footing and bal-
ance enables better control of
the spray gun in unexpected situations.
Stay alert. Watch what you are doing
and use common sense when operat-
ing the spray gun. Do not use the spray
gun while tired or under the influence
of drugs, alcohol, or medication. A
moment of inattention while operat-
ing the spray gun increases the risk of
injury to persons.
IN726100AV 5/08


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Husky HDS Serie

  • Page 1 See Warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product. HDS Model Series Operating Instructions Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or prop- erty damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
  • Page 2 HDS Model Series Operating Instructions General Safety Currently, there are three basic types NON-BLEEDER – In this mode, air flows of spray guns: Siphon, Pressure, and only when the trigger is pulled. This Information (cont.) Gravity feed (See Figures 2-5). The spray type of operation is used with a com- TOOL USE AND CARE gun type used depends primarily on the...
  • Page 3: Preparation

    HDS Model Series Operating Instructions Types of Spray Gun WATER/OIL IN COMPRESSED AIR Set-Ups All compressor pumps discharge some condensed water, oil or contaminates with the compressed air. (CONVENTIONAL AND HVLP) IMPORTANT: This condensation will cause “fish eyes” to appear in the paint SIPHON FEED CUP SET-UP job.
  • Page 4 HDS Model Series Operating Instructions Preparation (cont.) 4. Start the tank pressure at 0 psi and 2. “Trigger” the gun properly. Start turn the tank regulator slowly to the gun moving at the beginning increase fluid delivery until the of the stroke BEFORE SQUEEZING Pattern control knob desired pattern consistency (atomiza- THE TRIGGER and release the trigger...
  • Page 5: Important

    HDS Model Series Operating Instructions Maintenance (cont.) and pull the trigger. The air will back 3. Remove and check the adjusting up through the fluid tip and force needle for excessive wear at the tip NOTE: In the instructions below, the use the paint out of the hose and back and straightness.
  • Page 6: Troubleshooting Chart

    HDS Model Series Operating Instructions Troubleshooting Chart Symptom Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action Right or Clean. Use only non-metallic paint Holes in left or right side of the left heavy air cap are plugged spray pat- Clean Dirt on left or right side of fluid tern Top or Clean...
  • Page 7 HDS Model Series Operating Instructions Troubleshooting Chart (Continued) Symptom Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action Will not spray No pressure at gun Check air lines Fluid control not open enough Open fluid control Fluid too heavy (siphon) Thin fluid or change to pressure feed system Fluid pressure too low (pressure Increase fluid pressure feed)
  • Page 8 Limited Warranty - Husky and Husky Pro Spray Guns by Campbell Hausfeld 1. DURATION: From the date of purchase by the original purchaser as follows: Husky - One Year; Husky Pro - Three Years. 2. WHO GIVES THIS WARRANTY (WARRANTOR): Campbell Hausfeld / Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Telephone: (800) 543-6400 3.
  • Page 9 Voir la Garantie à la page 16 pour de l’information importante sur l’utilisation commercial de ce produit. Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation S’il vous plaît lire et conserver ces instructions. Lire attentivement avant de monter, installer, utiliser ou de procéder à l’entretien du produit décrit.
  • Page 10 Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Généralités Sur La ALIMENTATION PAR SIPHON – Méthode d’alimentation où la pres- Sécurité (Suite) • Éviter tout démarrage accidentel. sion atmosphérique crée un vide partiel S'assurer que la gâchette est en posi- pour siphonner la peinture au pistolet. •...
  • Page 11 Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Types de Montages de EAU/HUILE DANS L’AIR COMPRIMÉ Pistolets Vaporisateurs Toutes les pompes de compresseurs d’air relâchent un peu d’eau, d’huile ou (Suite) autres contaminants dans l’air comprimé. IMPORTANT: Cette condensation causera l’apparition d’ “oeil de poisson” dans BOUTON DE RÉGLAGE DE FLUIDE la peinture.
  • Page 12: Fonctionnement

    Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Préparation 2. Choisir la taille de configuration avec la gâchette tirée et le bouton pour la forme désirée. Pour un plein de réglage d’air (si applicable) com- 1. Bien mélanger le matériel selon les débit, ouvrir le bouton de réglage de plètement ouvert.
  • Page 13: Entretien

    Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Préparation (Suite) 5. Utiliser un morceau de carton pour 5. Pulvériser l’essence minérale avec le pour protéger les autres surfaces de pistolet pour empêcher la formation et résultera en “coulements”. Ne pas travail contre la surpulvérisation des d’oxyde après avoir utilisé...
  • Page 14: Entretien (Suite)

    Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Entretien (Suite) 5. Desserrer les écrous de presse- ENTREPOSAGE étoupe. Remplacer le presse-étoupe 1. Tourner le bouton de réglage de 1. Inspecter les ouvertures dans le SEULEMENT si la fuite ne peut pas fluide du pistolet à la gauche afin capuchon d’air et la buse de fluide.
  • Page 15 Série Modèle HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Guide De Dépannage Symptôme Cause(s) Possible(s) Mesure Corrective Configuration 1. Réglage d’évantail un peu fermé 1. Ouvrir le réglage de la configuration de l’évantail lourde au cen- 2. Matériel trop épais 2. Amincir à la viscosité correcte 3.
  • Page 16 Garantie Limitée - Pistolets de Pulvérisation Husky et Husky Pro par Campbell Hausfeld DURÉE: À partir de la date d’achat par l’acheteur original comme suit: Husky - Un An; Husky Pro - Trois Ans. GARANTIE ACCORDÉE PAR (GARANT): Campbell Hausfeld/Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Téléphone: (800) 543-6400...
  • Page 17: Seguridad Personal

    Ver la Garantía en página 24 para información importante sobre el uso comercial de este producto. Serie Modelo HDS Manual de Instrucciones Sírvase leer y guardar estas instrucciones. Lea con cuidado antes de tratar de armar, instalar, manejar o darle servicio al producto descrito en este manual.
  • Page 18 Serie Modelo HDS Instructions D’Utilisation Informaciones Generales de • Siempre use un regulador de presión ras que tardan en secarse, y sólo se puede en la fuente de suministro de aire usar con el sistema a presión. Nunca use Seguridad ( Continuación) para la pistola pulverizadora.
  • Page 19 Serie Modelo HDS Manual de Instrucciones Informaciones Generales de PRESENCIA DE AGUA/ACEITE EN EL AIRE COMPRIMIDO Seguridad ( Continuación) Todos los cabezales expulsan cierta cantidad de agua condensada, aceite o con- taminantes con el aire comprimido. exigen ciertos departamentos de con- trol de contaminación ambiental.
  • Page 20 Serie Modelo HDS Manual de Instrucciones Preparación ( Continuación) Functionamiento PARA AJUSTAR EL PATRON 1. Comience a roci- 15-23cm ar. Siempre man- SISTEMAS DE SIFON tenga la pistola Pintura 1. Ajuste la presión de aire de la pistola en los ángulos Pintura Muy Correcto pulverizadora según las recomendacio-...
  • Page 21: Limpieza Diaria

    Serie Modelo HDS Manual de Instrucciones Functionamiento NUNCA USE OBJETOS DE METAL de aire y oprima el gatillo. El aire se PARA LIMPIAR LOS DUCTOS QUE regresará a través de la boquilla for- ( Continuación) HAN SIDO TALADRADOS CON zando a la pintura hacia el tanque. PRECISION.
  • Page 22: Guía De Diagnóstico De Averías

    Serie Modelo HDS Manual de Instrucciones Mantenimiento (Suite) 4. Chequée y reemplace los anillos y Aplíquele Vaselina o grasa liviana a sellos dañados. Éstos se pueden limpiar las conexiones con roscas y a las de 3. Desconecte y revise la aguja de pero no los debe sumerjir en solvente.
  • Page 23 Serie Modelo HDS Manual de Instrucciones Guía de Diagnóstico de Averías (Suite) Problema Posible(s) Causa(s) Acción a Tomar 1. La tuerca que sostiene el empaque 1. Apriétela, pero sin restringir la aguja Fuja de fluído a través está floja de la tuerca de empaque 2.
  • Page 24 Manual de Instrucciones Garantía Limitada - Pistolas Pulverizadoras Husky y Husky Pro de Campbell Hausfeld DURACION: A partir de la fecha de compra por el comprador original tal como se especifica a continuación: Husky - Un año; Husky Pro- Tres años.

Table des Matières