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Liens rapides

See Warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product.
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.
Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or prop-
erty damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
A conventional siphon feed detail spray
gun designed to spray all light to medi-
um viscosity materials. It has fluid and
pattern controls and is supplied with an
8 oz. material cup. The compact design
makes this spray gun handy for detail,
touch-up and small painting projects.
Feed Type
Mix Type
Bleed Type
Fluid Nozzle I.D.
0.071" (1.8 cm)
Max. Inlet
Air Pressure
70 psig
Fluid Delivery
10.0 fl. oz.
at 40 psig
per minute
Air Req'd.
2.8 ave. (50% Duty)
(SCFM @ 40 psi)
5.6 continuous
Pattern Size
9.0" @ 40 psi
8" Distance
from workpiece
Air Inlet
1/4 NPS (M)
Fluid Inlet
1/4 NPS (M)
Fluid Nozzle
Stainless Steel
Fluid Needle
Stainless Steel
Cup Volume
8 fl. oz.
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains information that
is very important to know and under-
stand. This information is provided for
ROBLEMS. To help recognize this infor-
mation, observe the following symbols.
indicates an
imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury.
REMINDER: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes! Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping.
© 2011
Detail Spray Gun
indicates a
potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, coulD
result in death or serious injury.
a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, MAY result in
minor or moderate injury.
important information, that if not
followed, may cause damage to
After unpacking the product, inspect
carefully for any damage that may
have occurred during transit. Make
sure to tighten fittings, bolts, etc.,
before putting unit into service.
Do not operate
tool if
damaged during shipping,
handling or use. Damage could
result in bursting and cause injury
or property damage.
Spray Gun Terms
FeeD – Method used to bring paint
into the gun for spraying.
PreSSUre FeeD – Method of paint
feed where a canister or paint tank is
pressurized to force paint to the gun.
Either internal or external mix air caps
are used with this method. Pressure
feed is generally used for spraying heavy
bodied paints or for large size projects.
SIPHOn FeeD – Method of paint feed
where atmospheric pressure creates a
partial vacuum to siphon paint to the
gun. Only external mix air caps are
used with this method. Siphon feed is
used with light bodied paints.
GravITy FeeD – Method of paint
feed similar to the siphon feed method.
However, the cup is inverted to create a
positive fluid pressure at the nozzle.
MIx – The mixing of paint and air
when spraying.
InTernal MIx – Process where the air
and paint are mixed inside the air cap
just before being sprayed. This method is
best for heavy bodied, slow drying paints
and can only be used with the pressure
feed method. Do not use fast drying
paints with internal mix. The paint will
dry inside and quickly clog the air cap.
exTernal MIx – Process where the air
and paint are mixed just after leaving
the nozzle. This type of mix should be
used for fast drying paints and when a
high quality finish is needed.
BleeDer/nOn-BleeDer – Indicates
whether air flows through the gun con-
tinuously or as the trigger is pulled.
BleeDer – In this mode, air passes
continuously through the gun whether
spraying or not. This mode is generally
used when the air is supplied by a con-
tinuously running compressor that does
not have a tank.
nOn-BleeDer – In this mode, air flows
only when the trigger is pulled. This
type of operation is used with a com-
pressor equipped with a tank or with a
large factory air system.
vIScOSITy – A measurement of the
resistance of the flow of a liquid.
aTOMIzaTIOn - Conversion of liquid
to spray droplets (mist).
PaTTern cOnTrOl knOB – Used
to form the proper pattern (size and
shape) of paint as it is sprayed from the
gun to the work piece.
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Sommaire des Matières pour Husky HDS550

  • Page 1 See Warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product. HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or prop- erty damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
  • Page 2 HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Detail Spray Gun Spray Gun Terms Refer to Material Safety Data Keep hose away (cont.) Sheets (MSDS) of spray material from sharp FlUID cOnTrOl knOB – Used to con- for details. objects. Bursting air hoses may cause injury.
  • Page 3 HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Preparation (cont.) WaTer/OIl In cOMPreSSeD aIr All compressor pumps discharge some condensed water, oil or contaminates with the compressed air. IMPOrTanT: This condensation will cause “fish eyes” to appear in the paint job. Install appropriate water/oil removal equipment and controls as necessary for the intended application.
  • Page 4 HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Detail Spray Gun Maintenance 6. Use a non-silicone oil on all moving 4. Check and replace any damaged parts when reassembling. Use o-rings and seals. O-rings and seals DaIly clean-UP Vaseline ® or light grease on all...
  • Page 5 HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual For Replacement Parts, call 1-800-543-6400...
  • Page 6 HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Please provide following information: Address parts correspondence to: Campbell Hausfeld - Model number - Stamped-in code Attn: Parts Department 100 Production Drive - Part description and number as shown in parts list Harrison, OH 45030 replacement Parts list ref.
  • Page 7 HDS550 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Troubleshooting chart Symptom Possible cause(s) corrective Action Right or Holes in left or right side of the Clean. Use only non-metallic paint left heavy air cap are plugged spray pat- Clean Dirt on left or right side of fluid...
  • Page 8 Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Detail Spray Gun limited warranty - Husky Spray Guns by campbell Hausfeld 1. DURATION: From the date of purchase by the original purchaser as follows: Two Years. 2. WHO GIVES THIS WARRANTY (WARRANTOR): Campbell Hausfeld / Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Telephone: (800) 543-6400.
  • Page 9 Garantie à la page 16 pour de l’information importante sur l’utilisation commercial de ce produit. HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces S’il vous plaît lire et conserver ces instructions. lire attentivement avant de monter, installer, utiliser ou de procéder à l’entretien du produit décrit.
  • Page 10 HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Pistolet vaporisateur pour Détails Terminologie du Pistolet une autre personne. ceci peut des É-U; National Electrical Codes causer des blessures graves. vaporisateur (Suite) (NEC) et Occupational Safety and 6. Toujours travailler dans un envi- Health Act (OSHA).
  • Page 11 HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Préparation (Suite) eaU/HUIle DanS l’aIr cOMPrIMÉ Toutes les pompes de compresseurs d’air relâchent un peu d’eau, d’huile ou 3. Monter un carton ou un matériel autres contaminants dans l’air comprimé. en surplus pour utiliser comme cible IMPOrTanT: Cette condensation causera l’apparition d’...
  • Page 12 HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Pistolet vaporisateur pour Détails sont obstruées, tremper le capuchon Fonctionnement (Suite) Pulvériser le solvant à travers le pisto- d’air ou la buse dans du solvant. let tout en secouant vigoureusement 4. Chevaucher les coups juste assez pour 2.
  • Page 13 HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Pour Pièces De Rechange, appeler 1-800-543-6400 13 Fr...
  • Page 14 HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Correspondance: S’il vous plaît fournir l’information suivante: Campbell Hausfeld - Numéro du modèle Attn: Parts Department - Code Estampé 100 Production Drive - Description et numéro de la pièce Harrison, OH 45030 liste De Pièces De rechange nºde...
  • Page 15 HDS550 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Guide De Dépannage Symptôme cause(s) Possible(s) Mesure corrective Configura- 1. Les trous du côté droit ou gauche du 1. Nettoyer. Utiliser seulement la peinture non-métallique tion droite capuchon d’air sont obstrués ou gauche 2.
  • Page 16 Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces Pistolets vaporisateurs Garantie limitée - Pistolets Vaporisateurs Husky de campbell Hausfeld 1. DURÉE: À partir de la date d’achat par l’acheteur original comme suit - Deux ans. 2. GARANTIE ACCORDÉE PAR (GARANT): Campbell Hausfeld/Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Téléphone: (800) 543-6400.
  • Page 17 Garantía en página 24 para información importante sobre el uso comercial de este producto. HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Sírvase leer y guardar estas instrucciones. lea con cuidado antes de tratar de armar, instalar, manejar o darle servicio al producto descrito en este manual.
  • Page 18 HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Pistola Pulverizadora para Detalles Terminologia de las 2. Siga todos los códigos de que podría ocasionarle heridas de Pistolas Pulverizadoras gravedad. seguridad laboral y elec- (cont.) tricidad establecidos en su 6. Siempre trabaje en un área limpia.
  • Page 19 HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Preparación (cont.) PreSencIa De aGUa/aceITe en el aIre cOMPrIMIDO Todos los cabezales expulsan cierta cantidad de agua condensada, aceite o con- DIreccIOn Del MOvIMIenTO taminantes con el aire comprimido. La dirección del movimiento (horizontal IMPOrTanTe: Esta condensación ocasiona un acabado disparejo al pintar.
  • Page 20 HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Pistola Pulverizadora para Detalles Functionamiento (cont.) IMPOrTanTe: Si el extremo de la aguja lo pequeño para quitarle las manchas está más desgastado en un lado, la aguja difíciles de sacar. Puede usar palillos o nOTa: Dos capas poco espesas de pintura está...
  • Page 21 HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Para ordenar repuestos, sírvase llamar al concesionario más cercano a su domicilio 21 Sp...
  • Page 22 HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Puede escribirnos a: Sirvase darnos la siguiente información: Campbell Hausfeld - Número del modelo Attn: Parts Department - Código estampado en la unidad 100 Production Drive - Descripción y número del repuesto según la lista de repuestos...
  • Page 23 HDS550 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Guía de Diagnóstico de averías Problema Posible(s) causa(s) Acción a tomar Acumulación de 1. Los orificios a los lados de la boquilla 1. Límpielos. Use sólo pintura no metálica pintura a la dere- de aire están tapados...
  • Page 24 Manual de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas Pistola Pulverizadora para Detalles Garantía limitada - Pistolas Pulverizadoras Husky de campbell Hausfeld 1 DURACION: A partir de la fecha de compra por el comprador original tal como se especifica a continuación: Dos años.