Energy saving
This menu allows the energy saving function to be activated.
Function enabled
Function disabled
Electromagnetic vacuum gripper Anticipation Time
This menu allows regulating the anticipated time with which the
electromagnetic vacuum gripper is unblocked before the barrier comes
set in opening action.
ATTENTION: if the electromagnetic vacuum gripper is not
present, set this parameter to zero.
PLEASE NOTE: The locking electromagnet is connected to the
accessory power supply. Hence, it is essential to deactivate the
energy saving function to use it.
Electromagnetic vacuum gripper Delay Time
This menu allows regulating the delay with which the electromagnetic
vacuum gripper jams after the barrier has finished closing.
ATTENTION: if the electromagnetic vacuum gripper is not
present to set up this parameter to zero.
PLEASE NOTE: The locking electromagnet is connected to the
accessory power supply. Hence, it is essential to deactivate the
energy saving function to use it.
Electromagnetic vacuum gripper power
This menu allows regulating the power with which the electromagnetic
vacuum gripper becomes blocked.
ATTENTION: if the electromagnetic vacuum gripper is not
present, set up this parameter to zero.
PLEASE NOTE: The locking electromagnet is connected to the
accessory power supply. Hence, it is essential to deactivate the
energy saving function to use it.
Pre-blinking time
Before any barrier movement, blinker will be activated for t.PrE time, to
warn about the incoming motion.