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Sommaire des Matières pour Pride Mobility Products LIFT CHAIR Serie

  • Page 1 LIFT CHAIR...
  • Page 2: Safety Guidelines

    NTENDED The intended use of the Pride Mobility Products device is that of a device with motorized positioning control that is intended for medical purposes and that can be adjusted to various positions. The device is used to provide stability for patients and to alter postural positions.
  • Page 3: Table Des Matières

    C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION ......................4 SAFETY ...........................5 III. YOUR LIFT CHAIR ......................8 ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY ..................10 OPERATION ........................13 BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING ..................15 VII. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ..................17 Lift Chair Series...
  • Page 4: Introduction

    I . I N T R O D U C T I O N SAFETY The product you have purchased combines state-of-the-art components with safety, comfort, and styling in mind. Read and follow all instructions, warnings, and notes in this manual and all other accompanying literature before attempting to operate this product for the first time.
  • Page 5 I I . S A F E T Y PRODUCT SAFETY SYMBOLS The symbols below represent labels used on the product to identify warnings, mandatory actions, and prohibited actions. It is very important for you to read and understand these symbols completely. Do not remove these labels from your product.
  • Page 6: Your Lift Chair

    I I . S A F E T Y Battery Door Location Degree of protection against electric shock. Properly dispose of all electronic components, including the external transformer, hand control, batteries, actuator motors, and wiring. Contact your authorized provider for more information.
  • Page 7 I I . S A F E T Y The scissor and lift mechanisms are labeled as pinch/crush point hazards on your lift chair. Keep clear of these areas and make sure the path of motion is unobstructed. See figure 3.1 for pinch/crush point locations.
  • Page 8: Body Components

    I I I . Y O U R L I F T C H A I R BODY COMPONENTS Lift chairs are equipped with several frame and electrical components. Typically, frame (or body) compo- nents include a removable back pad*, removable chaise pad*, footrest, leg levelers, a lift mechanism, and scissor mechanisms.
  • Page 9: Electrical Components

    I I I . Y O U R L I F T C H A I R Removable Back Pad: Attaches to the lift chair with reusable fasteners to enable the use of the bed option on some models and to make servicing the chair more convenient. Removable Chaise Pad: Attaches to the lift chair with reusable fasteners to make servicing the chair more convenient.
  • Page 10: Assembly/Disassembly

    I V . A S S E M B L Y / D I S A S S E M B L Y Your lift chair may require some assembly before initial use. It may also require disassembly to make servicing the chair more convenient.
  • Page 11 I V . A S S E M B L Y / D I S A S S E M B L Y 3. Push firmly on the top of the back to lock into position. You must hear a click from each side of the chair to ensure the back is locked in properly.
  • Page 12: Battery Installation

    I V . A S S E M B L Y / D I S A S S E M B L Y LIFT CHAIR PLACEMENT Your lift chair should be placed near a standard electrical outlet on dry, level ground where there is ample room to allow for proper operation.
  • Page 13: Operation

    V . O P E R A T I O N OPERATION PRECAUTIONS There are certain precautions that should be taken during the operation of your lift chair. Read and follow these precautions carefully in order to ensure safe lift chair operation and to prevent injury and/or product damage. ...
  • Page 14 V . O P E R A T I O N Follow these steps to properly sit in your lift chair: 1. Make sure that the lift chair is in the standing position. 2. Back into the lift chair and sit in the center of the seat. 3.
  • Page 15: Basic Troubleshooting

    V I . B A S I C T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G Your lift chair may require occasional troubleshooting. The following troubleshooting tips and FAQs should summarize what you need to know about your lift chair. If at any time you do not feel comfortable performing the troubleshooting steps listed in this manual, contact your authorized provider for service.
  • Page 16: Frequently Asked Questions

    V I . B A S I C T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What if my lift chair does not operate at all?  Ensure the external transformer is plugged into a properly wired electrical outlet. ...
  • Page 17: Care And Maintenance

    V I I . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E Your lift chair will require routine maintenance checks. You can perform some of these checks, but others may require assistance from an authorized provider. By following the maintenance checks in this section as scheduled, you can help ensure your lift chair gives you years of trouble-free operation.
  • Page 18 (This page intentionally left blank.) (Cette page a été laissée vierge intentionnellement.) Lift Chair Series...

Table des Matières