never operate this heater unattended!
WaRnInG: neveR seRvICe heaTeR WhIle hoT oR sTIll ConneCTeD To eleCTRICal
Use only original equipment replacement parts. The use of alternate or third party components can
cause unsafe operating conditions, and will void your warranty.
We suggest following a maintenance schedule as follows:
fuel/fuel Tank - Flush every 200 hours of operation or as needed. Do not use water to flush the tank.
Use fresh -K kerosene only.
filters - The Fuel Filter and Oil Filter should be cleaned at least twice per heating season by rinsing it in
clean -K kerosene. Contaminated fuel could make this necessary immediately.
Fuel Strainer
Tightening Ring
Oil Filter
Oil Filter
O Ring Gasket
nozzle - Nozzles should be cleaned or replaced at least once per heating season. Contaminated fuel
could make this necessary immediately. - To clean dirt from nozzle, blow compressed air through nozzle
front. It may be necessary to soak nozzle in clean -K kerosene to help loosen any particles.
Kerosene Radiant Portable Heaters Manual