Device programming
FG100F device functions can be configured by setting programming switches on the circuit.
Following are descriptions of the various configuration mode.
• WARNING! The device is equipped with backup energy storage in case of power loss.
Depending on the start function used (see paragraphs "Smoke generator function" and
"Siren function"), even in the absence of external power, an alarm state on the inputs can
lead to the activation of the smoke or siren.
Smoke generator function
The activation of the smoke generator takes place by bringing the IN FUM input to the alarm state.
If the AND function is active (SW-6 to ON) to activate the smoke generator, the IN FUM input must
be brought to the alarm state while the IN SIR input is already in the alarm state. The alarm status
of the IN FUM input can be programmed using the SW-1 and SW-3 programming switches.
• WARNING! In any operating mode, the installer must ensure that the absence of power to
the control devices (e.g. alarm control unit or presence sensors) does not cause changes
in the inputs of the FG100F such as to trigger an undesired activation of the smoke
release. Particular attention must be paid with the "Positive and Negative to REMOVE"
These are the possible combinations and the corresponding operating modes:
Positive to give - Normally open to a positive
Rest state: IN FUM input with open contact
Alarmed state: IN FUM input in logic state "1"
(contact closed at voltage higher than the minimum
voltage of logic state "1")