Defrosting; Sensors; Manual Defrost; Alarms Memory - Evermed VDW Cool Systems xPRO Instructions Pour L'utilisateur

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Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles Defrosting (touch-button (6) Fig.13)
All the appliance defrosting are recorded in the defrosting log; on the display are shown the following details:
• date and time of the defrost starting
• the duration of the defrost
• the type of defrost, which is indicated from one of the following codes:
01 - defrost started manually from the specific menu
02 - defrost started after 1 hour from the appliance switch-ON
03 - defrost started after a pre-fix working time of the appliance
04 - defrost started after a pre-fix working time of the compressor
06 - defrost started from automatic defrost
07 - defrost started because of low evaporator temperature
09 - defrost started from an alarm
• progressive recording number of the defrost
To check the defrosting log, proceed as follow:
- from the datas menu, press the touch-button (6) to access to the DEFROSTING menu
- press the touch-button (5)é and the touch-button (7)ê, to scroll the various defrost reports
- press the ESC touch-button (11) to return back to the previous menu or HOME touch-button (10) to return back to the main
screen-shot Sensors (touch-button (7) Fig.13)
The screen-shot sensors allows to read the actual values of the various sensors installed in the appliance (storage chamber, evap-
orator, condenser and product simulation if present).
To check the sensor readings, proceed as follow:
- from the datas menu, press the touch-button (7) to access to the SENSORS menu
- press the ESC touch-button (11) to return back to the previous menu or HOME touch-button (10) to return back to the main

Manual defrost

To process a manual defrost, proceed as follow:
- from the main menu screen-shot, press the touch-button (4) to access to the MANUAL DEFROST menu
- press the touch-button (4)YES, to process the manual defrost with visual indication in the main screen-shot through the
related icon
- press the touch-button (7)NO, to exit without process the defrost and return back to the main screen-shot

Alarms memory

With this menu is possible to check the latest 30 alarm conditions (and related informations) occurred to the appliance.
To check the alarm log, proceed as follow:
- from the main menu screen-shot, press the touch-button (5) to access to the ALARMS MEMORY menu
- press the touch-button (5)é and the touch-button (7)ê to scroll the alarm log
- press the ESC touch-button (11) to return back to the previous menu or HOME touch-button (10) to return back to the main
NB: For the alarms "Door ajar", "High temperature", "Battery level low" and "Expansion Board" it will be recorded even the highest
peak of temperature reached into the appliance during the alarm condition.
For the alarms "Low temperature" it will be recorded even the lowest peak of temperature reached into the appliance during the
alarm condition.
If the alarm condition is still in progress, it appears "in progress".
In case there are no alarms recorded, the display shows NO DATA.

General test and test for temperatures alarm

To process the testing, proceed as follow:
- from the main menu screen-shot, press the touch-button (6) to access to the TEST menu (Fig.14)
(touch-button (4) Fig.12)
(touch-button (5) Fig.12)
(touch-button (6) Fig.12)
Low temperature
High temperature
VERS. 0816


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Produits Connexes pour Evermed VDW Cool Systems xPRO

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