the pump is nearly free of maintenance if the pump was not working for
a longer time or the system is heavily contaminated could the rotor be
blocked it will shown by fl ashing of three Led lights
By removing of the motor head ( loosening the union nut and remove
the motor head ) the impeller is accessible and can be also removed By
doing this the blockade can be solved and / or the pump can be cleaned
inadmiSSiBLe mOdeS
of oPERatIon
When the pump was disconnected from the power supply it is to wait
minimum one minute before it could be switched on again Otherwise the
switch-on current limiting could be ineffective and malfunction or damages
of a perhaps connected electronic regulation could happen
the operational safety can be guarantied only by
intended use all in the technical data indicated
limit values are strictly to be observed
System Filling and aeration
the system must be in upright position for
fi lling and aeration Set the electronics to iii
and run the system for at least 20 minutes
before you aerate the pump after aeration
the pump can be reset to any control mode
32 eVeneS Heating pump He-HS