DFPJ & DFPK Series Pallet Scales
B. Adjusting the Corner Load
Set the highest readability for test purposes in the indicator set up mode for improved checking of changes
resulting during adjustment.
Weighing range 600 kg readability 0.05 kg
Weighing range 1500 kg readability 0.1 kg
Access the connection box and activate the adjustment potentiometer.
C. Adjustment at Analogue PCB
The load cell 1 is adjusted using the potentiometer pair 1, load cell 2 at pair 2, etc.
The hook / DIP switches on the analogue PCB must be opened for this purpose.
A. Checking the Corner Load:
1. Place appropriate test weights (see overview in Section 8) in the
centre of the load plate and tare.
The scale shows -0-.
2. Place test weights at all four corners, one after another.
Deviations are displayed with a sign.
3. Record values.
4. If the deviations lie outside the tolerances listed in Section 8,
adjustment is necessary.
Adjustment Rule:
The corner (load cell) with the greatest
negative deviation must be set to zero.
Do not change the setting of this corner,
even after repeated adjustment cycles.
Adjustment of the Corner Load:
Start by adjusting the corner at which the
greatest positive deviation was found.
With a positive deviation: turn both
potentiometers the same number of
rotations to the right
With a negative deviation: turn both
potentiometers the same number of
rotations to the left