Tyco HSM2955 Guide D'installation page 7

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HSM2955(R) module are processed and maintained primarily by the data controller. Data controller
is the entity that provides [monitoring] services to you. You have the right to enquire about your
data with them. For more information about their privacy practices please contact the data con-
troller/monitoring service provider. For more details about Tyco privacy practices please visit our
website http://www.tyco.com/privacy. Please refer to Section 7 for a consent form template.
Please note this is only a guideline, contact the data controller regarding their privacy practices.
4. Consent form
Data Subject
First name: _____________________ Last name: ______________________________
Residing at: ___________________________________________________ I hereby grant an informed con-
sent to allow _______________________________ and its affiliates (hereinafter the "Company") to pro-
cess my personal data [ ]
consent to the data being transferred to third parties and abroad, if that is necessary for the Com-
pany to fulfill the purpose of data collection as described below, in accordance with applicable
data privacy laws.
Personal Data collected: __________________________ (include specific data fields)
Sensitive Personal Data collected: __________________ (include specific data fields)
The data is collected for the purpose of ________________________________________________________
_______ (describe in reasonable detail)
I have been informed about my rights related to the processing of personal data and about other
conditions related to the processing of personal data and to the method of its processing and
accessing. I certify that all the personal data is accurate and true and provided voluntarily. I have
been informed about my right to access and check my personal data processed by the Company
upon request sent to ____________________________________________________. I am aware I can with-
draw this consent in writing at any time.
Full name: _____________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Contact detail: __________________________________________________________
To learn more about the Data Controller's privacy practices visit/email:
Date: ________________________________
Data subject signature: ____________________________
Limited Warranty
DigitalSecurity Controls (DSC) warrants that for aperiodof 12 months fromthedateof purchase, theproduct shallbefree of defects inmaterials andworkmanshipunder normaluseand that
infulfilment of any breach of such warranty, DSC shall, at its option, repair or replace thedefectiveequipment uponreturn of the equipment toits repair depot. This warranty applies only to
defects in parts and workmanshipand not to damageincurred inshipping or handling, or damage dueto causes beyond thecontrol of DSC suchas lightning, excessive voltage, mechanical
shock, water damage, or damagearisingout of abuse, alterationor improper applicationof theequipment. Theforegoingwarranty shallapply only totheoriginalbuyer, andis andshallbeinlieu of
any andallother warranties, whether expressedor impliedand of allother obligations or liabilities onthepart of DSC. DigitalSecurity Controls neither assumes responsibility for, nor authorizes
any other personpurportingtoact onits behalf tomodify or tochangethis warranty, nor toassumefor it any other warranty or liability concerningthis product. Innoevent shallDSC beliable for
any direct, indirect or consequentialdamages, loss of anticipatedprofits, loss of timeor any other losses incurred by thebuyer inconnectionwith thepurchase, installationor operationor failure
of this product. WARNING: DSC recommends that theentiresystem becompletely testedonaregular basis. However, despitefrequent testing, anddueto, but not limitedto, criminal tam-
peringor electricaldisruption, it is possible for this product to failtoperform as expected. Important Information: Changes/modifications not expressly approvedby DSC couldvoidthe user's
authority tooperatethis equipment.
IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: DSC Softwarepurchasedwith or without Products and Components is copyrighted andis purchasedunder the followinglicense terms: This End-
User LicenseAgreement ("EULA") is alegal agreement betweenYou(thecompany, individualor entity whoacquiredtheSoftwareandany relatedHardware) andDigitalSecurity Controls, a
divisionof Tyco Safety Products Canada Ltd. ("DSC"), themanufacturer of the integrated security systems and the developer of the software andany related products or components
("HARDWARE") whichYouacquired. If theDSC softwareproduct ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT" or "SOFTWARE") is intendedtobeaccompaniedby HARDWARE, andis NOT accom-
paniedby new HARDWARE, You may not use, copy or installthe SOFTWARE PRODUCT. TheSOFTWARE PRODUCT includes computer software, and may include associated
media, printedmaterials, and"online" or electronic documentation.
IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: DSC Softwarepurchasedwithor without Products andComponents is copyrightedandis purchasedunder thefollowinglicenseterms:
This EndUser LicenseAgreement ("EULA") is alegal agreement between You(thecompany, individualor entity whoacquired theSoftwareand any relatedHardware) andDigital Security
Controls, adivisionof TycoSafety Products CanadaLtd. ("DSC"), themanufacturer of theintegratedsecurity systems andthe developer of the softwareandany relatedproducts or com-
ponents ("HARDWARE") whichYouacquired.
Data Subject is the person to whom the personal data relates to.
Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, such as name, email or other addresses, phone
number, ID numbers, employment data (such as salary or evaluations), mother's maiden name, credit card number or credit inform-
ation etc.
Sensitive personal data is personal data consisting of information as to the racial or ethnic origin of the individual, their political
opinions, religious beliefs, physical or mental health or condition, sexual life etc.
/ sensitive personal data [ ]
for the purpose specified below. I also
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Table des Matières

Table des Matières