Adjusting the active movement of the models SQlab 602 Ergolux and SQlab 602 Ergolux
active Infinergy (2.0)
With the model SQlab 602 ERGOLUX® active, two sticks can be removed from the damper to adjust the Active movement.
Figure 4: Pushing out the
sticks on the SQlab 602 ERGOLUX
Whether or not you ride with sticks depends on your personal feeling, sitting position and body weight.
The version with the Infinergy® bumper has no sticks to adjust the active movement, as this suspension always allows the optimal
rotation around the longitudinal axis.
The SQlab 602 Ergolux active Infinergy 2.0 has no sticks to adjust the active movement. Since the Infinergy bumper always ensures the
optimal amount of active movement, this is no longer necessary.
Figure 5:
active Infinergy