WPA/WPA2 Encryption
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an encryption method for WLAN. WPA contains the WEP architecture,
but offers additional protection via dynamic codes, which are based on the Temporal Key Integrity
Protocol (TKIP), and also offers pre-shared keys (PSK) or extensible authentication protocol (EAP) for user
authentication. However, a radius server is required for this. WPA2 is a development of WPA and uses a
different encryption algorithm, advanced encryption standard (AES).
Select WPA Pre-shared Key under
Encryption. Then, under WPA
Unicast Cipher Suite, select WPA
(TKIP) or WPA (AES).
Then you must select the Pre-shared
Key Format. Select either Pass phrase
for a key with a length of at least 8 and
max. 63 characters, whereby letters (A-Z),
numbers and punctuation marks can be
used, or Hex for a 64 character key, in
which only numbers from 0-9 and
letters from a-f can be used.
The next step is entering a key, called
a pre-shared-key (PSK). All clients
which are to access the access point
must know this character string.
Click Apply to save your settings. You must then restart the router for the settings to take effect. To do so, click
Apply in the next window. The wireless network with encryption is available after you restart.
3.3 Changing the Log-in Data
From the start view which can be accessed by clicking Home, select General Setup and then System =>
Password Settings in the menu on the left.
This page allows you to enter a new password for the router. To assign a new password, you must first enter
the current password in the Current Password field. Enter the new password in the New Password field and
again in the Confirmed Password field to confirm that it was typed correctly. Click Apply to confirm your
entries. You must then restart the router for the settings to take effect. To do so, click Apply in the next
window. The new password applies after restarting.
3.4 LAN Settings
From the start view which can be accessed by clicking Home, select General Setup and then LAN in the menu
on the left.
This allows you to change the standard LAN settings of the router.