7.5 Memory functions
Storage of mixed light
Calling up mixed light
Please note
46 | VisiLEDs MC Serie
The MC 1500 controller possesses memory stations for saving the set mixed
light and makes it possible to switch between several mixed light conditions.
In this way it is possible e.g. to observe the specimen under different defined
illumination conditions without requiring time-consuming re-setting of the
In addition it is possible to archive the configurations as setting files in the PC
and when required download to the MC 1500.
The current set illumination condition can be stored by pressing down the
memory key (M) and selecting a memory key (M1) to (M4). In doing so
previous settings in this memory station are overwritten.
A stored illumination condition can be called up again by pressing the appro-
priate memory key M1 to M4. After calling up a stored condition the green
LED display belonging to the memory station lights up.
The settings stored in the memory positions of the MC 1500 remain available
– even after switching the controller off and on or after cutting the unit off
from the power supply temporarily. They can only be deleted by being
Always the settings of both units are saved. If only the light from one of the
two VisiLED illuminations (A or B) is supposed to be saved then the second
LED unit should be dimmed down to intensity 0.
The delay time (trigger mode) can only be stored with limitations
(see Section 7.7)
When the MC 1500 is controlled via the computer there is also the possibility
of uploading the memory settings of the controller to the computer. There
sets consisting of five different illumination conditions (four memory stations
and the currently set light) can be archived in setting files.
If required, the archived setting files can be called up again via the user soft-
ware and also downloaded from the PC into the memory of a MC 1500.