Installation instructions
for Island hood
A: Quick assembly flange
B: Upper tower
C: Lower tower
D: Electrical supply
E : Connecting piece
F: Attachment points
G: Hood body with fan module
1. (Exhaustiv mode) prepare suitable
exhaust-air conduction in the ceiling.
Make the necessary preparations for
installation of the hood on site — cover
kitchen appliances, etc.
2. Determine the control side of the
hood; the control panel is on this side.
3. To obtain Optimum extraction capac-
ity, centre the extractor hood over the
hotplate (use a plumb) and mark the
centre point of the tower on the ceiling.
4. Mark the positions for the fixing holes
with the aid of the template.
5. Screw the hanger bolts into the dowel
until approx. 20mm protrude. For stan-
dard towers with quick assembly
flanges, screw the nuts onto the hanger
bolts immediately.