General airflow tips
Below are some techniques that make a dramatic difference in congested areas of your facility. Treat air like water,
and scoop, direct, and channel it to where it is needed most.
• Make sure people are not hidden behind structures that would block airflow. This may seem obvious, but work
areas are routinely blocked by shelving, crates, and machinery.
• Position large obstructions so that their smallest profiles are perpendicular to the direction of air movement. For
example, a sheet metal press brake might have five times the frontal area if it is facing the airflow rather than if
it is turned sideways.
• Wherever possible, position welding curtains, partitions, sheet materials, etc., to scoop air into the work area
rather than deflect it.
• Take advantage of the air moving near the floor by creating ground level openings in your work area. It is better
to have a work area blocked by materials stacked to the ceiling with an opening below than to have low stacks
3 ft (0.9 m) to 6 ft (1.8 m) high sitting on the floor.
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