3.3 Connecting the surveillance recorder to your network
1. Connect a network cable to the 'RJ45' port of the surveillance recorder.
2. Connect the other side of the network cable to your modem, router or switch.
3.4 Connecting the surveillance recorder to the power grid
1. Connect the plug of the power supply to the 'DC +12V IN' of the surveillance
2. Connect the power supply to a wall outlet.
3. During the following boot of the surveillance recorder, it can take up till 90 seconds
before you will see an image.
3.5 Installing the surveillance recorder's software
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Place the CD-ROM in your computer's CD-ROM or DVD player.
3. The software will start automatically.
4. Choose your language.
5. Choose 'Install Mini Player'.
6. Follow the steps shown on screen to install the software.
4.0 Using the setup wizard
Once the surveillance recorder has been started, a setup wizard will be shown. Using
this wizard, you can setup the basic settings of the surveillance recorder.
Note: The surveillance recorder will always start in the English language until you
have chosen a language!
Hint: If you do not want the setup wizard to be shown again, you need to mark 'don't
display this window again'.
Step 1:
The wizard starts with the text 'Welcome to the Setup Wizard'. Click 'Next'.
Step 2:
In the following screen, you can setup a password for the 'admin' account. Fill out a
password at the 'Password' field. Confirm your chosen password at the 'Retype
password' field. Click 'Next'.
Step 3:
Select your 'Video format'. Select 'PAL'. Also, select your language. In this case,
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