Manual Pre-disinfection/Cleaning and
Sterilization Instructions for SATELEC
Do not use steel wool or abrasive cleaners.
Avoid solutions containing iodine or with a high chlorine content.
The pH of detergents/disinfectants must be between 7 and 11.
The cleaning method for wrenches recommended by Satelec is manual or automated.
All devices must be carefully cleaned and must be sterilized after cleaning prior to use.
The sterilization parameters are only valid for correctly cleaned devices.
Wrenches must be cleaned with extreme care.
It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that all equipment used to treat Satelec devices is properly installed,
validated, maintained and calibrated.
Whenever possible, a washer/disinfector should be used for wrenches. Prevent the overloading of wash baskets for
ultrasonic cleaning or cleaning in a washer/disinfector.
Cleaning/sterilization cycle limits
Repeated treatment cycles that include ultrasonic cleaning, manual washing and sterilization have minimal effects on
End of service life is normally determined by wear and damage due to use.
− Soiled devices should be separated from non-contaminated devices to avoid contamination of personnel or
− Wipe blood and/or debris from the wrenches to prevent it from drying onto the surfaces.
− Cover the wrench with a soft lint-free cloth dampened with purified water to prevent blood and/or debris from
Containment and transportation
Soiled devices must be transported separately from non-contaminated devices to avoid contamination.
Preparation for pre-disinfection/cleaning
It is advisable to treat devices immediately or as soon as possible after use. Satelec devices must be treated within
two hours of use.
Pre-disinfection/Cleaning – Manual method
Equipment: soft-bristled brush, soft lint-free swab, lint-free cloth, enzymatic or alkaline cleaner,
ultrasonic cleaner.
J81009 • V1 • (13) • 11/2013 • RA14US010A