Push any remaining air out by flattening the folded wing from the trailing edge
to the leading edge.
Make four or five folds from the trailing edge up to the leading edge so that the
bundle is approximately the size and shape of the Firebird paraglider rucksack.
Making sure not to pack the glider too tightly and taking care that the leading
edge is folded carefully will increase its life. Always pack as loosely as you
can, while still being able to fit it in the rucksack – every fold weakens the cloth
on any paraglider. It is best not to keep folding the glider along the same lines-
Do not worry if it isn't tidy every time!
6.5 Velcro Opening
Firebird gliders all come with a velcro opening situated on the wing Tipp. Build
of sans, small stones, etc. can be removed with ease at regular intervals to
prevent internal abrasion of material.
6.6 Storage
Moisture is the enemy of a glider. Always store all equipment in a dry room,
and do not store it wet. A damp paraglider can be dried by hanging it over a
washing line preferably out of the sun. Allow it to dry naturally, never use a hair
dryer, etc. Even when the glider is dry, leave the rucksack zipper open when
possible to allow residual moisture to evaporate. Do not store the glider in the
company of chemicals such as dyes, paints or gasoline.
Important: Wet gliders will extremely change their flying characteristics. Never
fly your glider when wet.
6.7 Cleaning
Any abrasion or water will age the cloth of your glider, even if only slightly.
Therefore we recommend that stains or marks which have dried into the cloth
should be left unclean. The glider may not be cosmetically as nice but it will
certainly last longer. If you still feel that the wing must be cleaned, then use
only a soft cloth moistened with water on small areas and remember that the
most sensitive area of the wing is the leading edge and the top surface which
should on no account be cleaned. Never put the glider into a washing machine
or have it dry cleaned.