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Thank you for purchasing from Plum
Plum are the playtime specialists providing the
fuel for imaginations to flourish. For over 25 years
we've been inspiring fun across the globe. We are
passionate about encouraging play in a fun yet safe
environment, allowing children freedom of play and
parents peace of mind.
Nous vous remercions d'avoir acheté un
produit Plum
Spécialiste du divertissement, Plum propose des
produits ludiques visant à stimuler l'imagination des
enfants. Depuis plus de 25 ans, le jeu et le divertisse-
ment sont au cœur de notre activité. Nous avons
pour vocation de favoriser le jeu dans un environne-
ment amusant et sûr, en offrant un espace amusant
pour les enfants et la tranquillité d'esprit aux parents.
Gracias por comprar productos de Plum
Plum, especializada en actividades de ocio, da alas a la
imaginación de los niños. Durante más de 25 años fo-
mentamos la diversión en todo el mundo. Nos apasio-
na que los niños jueguen en un entorno divertido pero
seguro, dotándoles a ellos de la libertad que necesitan
y a los padres de la tranquilidad que buscan.
Grazie per aver acquistato da Plum
Plum è lo specialista dei giochi che nutrono l'immag-
inazione. Da più di 25 anni siamo fonte di diverti-
mento in tutto il mondo. Ci appassiona incoraggiare
l'attività ludica in un contesto sicuro e al tempo stes-
so divertente, dove i bambini sian liberi di giocare e i
genitori possano stare tranquilli.
Danke, dass Sie bei Plum eingekauft haben
Plum sind die Spezialisten für Spielsachen. Wir
sorgen dafür, dass sich die Fantasie Ihrer Kinder frei
entfaltet. Seit über 25 Jahren sorgen wir überall auf
der Welt dafür, dass Kinder Spaß haben. Wir lieben
es, Kinder in einem spaßigen und dennoch sicheren
Umfeld zum Spielen zu bringen. Dies sorgt bei
Kindern für freien Spielspaß und bei Eltern für ein
ruhiges Gewissen.
Advisory Section
To ensure the safety of you, the installer and your children,
it is important that these instructions are read fully before
commencing the positioning and installation of this product.
Timber Advice
This product has been made from premium timber. Great care
has been taken in selecting, treating and machining the timber
before it is presented to you. Timber is a natural product and as
such may experience changes throughout the course of its life.
This means it may:
- Develop openings (gaps, slits, apertures, cracks, splits)
along the line of the grain. These openings are due to the
difference in moisture content between the internal and
outer surfaces of the timber. This is to be expected, is totally
acceptable and will not affect the integral strength, life or
guarantee of the product.
- Warp and distort its shape. Any distortion will be slight and will
not affect the safety or enjoyment of this product.
- Fade as the timber reacts with sunlight. The timber should
be treated with a proprietary product to act as a protective
barrier, i.e. a water repellent, on an annual basis.
- After first year of service treat product with a good quality
treatment safe for children's use.
Biocidal Products Regulations EU 528/2012
Wolmanit Cx-10 treated wood is a treated article that
incorperates biocidal products: Copper hydroxide carbonate/
II/boric acid. They protect wood against decay/rot/insect attack.
Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs.

Routine Maintenance

During long periods of non use (particularly during the winter)
00443_Woodland Treehouse_IM_27622.indd 2
‫ شك ر ً ا ل رش ائك منتجات‬Plum
‫ تعد‬Plum ‫رشكة متخصصة يف األلعاب التي تؤدي إىل تطوير التخيل. نحن‬
‫ننرش الفرحة يف العامل كله عىل مدار أكرث من 52 عا م ً ا. نحن متحمسون‬
‫لتشجيع األلعاب يف بيئة ممتعة ولكنها آمنة مام مينح األطفال حرية اللعب‬
‫.ومينح آباءهم ر احة البال‬
Dziękujemy za dokonanie zakupu od Plum
Plum to eksperci od zabawy wspomagający rozwój
dziecięcej wyobraźni. Od ponad 25 inspirujemy do
zabawy małych mieszkańców całego globu. Nasza
pasją jest zachęcanie do zabawy w przyjaznym, bez-
piecznym otoczeniu. Dzieciom zapewniamy swobodę
zabawy, a rodzicom – spokój ducha.
Tack för att du handlar från Plum
Plum är lekspecialisterna som låter fantasin
blomma. Under över 35 år har vi inspirerat lek och
glädje världen över. Vi vill uppmuntra lek i en rolig
men ändå säker miljö, som ger barnen frihet och
låter föräldrarna slippa oro.
Bedankt dat u een product van Plum
hebt gekocht
Plum is dé speelgoedspecialist die alle dromen wer-
kelijkheid laat worden. We zorgen al meer dan 25 jaar
wereldwijd voor veel plezier. We stimuleren kinderen
graag om te spelen in leuke maar veilige omgevingen.
Wij bieden kinderen vrijheid en ouders srust.
Děkujeme vám, že nakupujete u firmy Plum
Firma Plum se specializuje na volný čas, dodává
křídla fantazii a přivádí ji k rozkvětu. Inspirujeme
zábavu na celém světě už plných 25 let. Naší vášní
je povzbuzovat děti k zábavným hrám v bezpečném
prostředí, které jim poskytuje svobodu při hře a
rodičům klid a jistotu.
Ďakujeme, že ste si kúpili výrobok od
spoločnosti Plum
Plum je špecialistom na hru a podporuje zdravý
rozkvet predstavivosti. Viac ako 25 rokov inšpirujeme
svet zábavou. Našou vášňou je podporovať hru v
it is suggested that attachments such as swings are dismantled
and stored in a dry environment. This will prolong the life of such
Minimum user age 3+ years • Adult assembly required • Adult
supervision required at all times • Only for domestic use • Outdoor
use only • Not suitable for children under 36 months: small parts
- choking hazard, hemispheric shapes – suffocation hazard •
Not suitable for children under 36 months – fall hazard • Retain
assembly instruction for future use • Place on a level surface at
least 2m from any structure or obstruction • Must not be installed
over concrete, asphalt or any other hard surface • It is advised that
on a regular basis (i.e. at the beginning of the season and monthly
thereafter) all main parts/fixings are checked as secure, well oiled
(if metallic), have no sharp points/edges and are intact. Replace, oil
and/or tighten when necessary. Failure to do so may result in an
injury or hazard • Any attachments such as swings, chains, ropes,
etc must be regularly examined for evidence of deterioration.
Replace any attachments if there are signs of deterioration. Failure
to do so may result in an injury or hazard • Please keep animals at
a safe distance from this product • Do not place the material in the
mouth • Wash hands after use • Warning: In predisposed subjects, it
may cause allergic reactions • Maximum load on beam 25kg
bezpečnom prostredí, kde sa môžu deti slobodne
hrať a rodičia sa o ne nemusia obávať.
Tak, fordi du købte et produkt fra Plum
Plum er specialister inden for leg og får fantasien
til at stortrives. I mere end 25 år har vi været
inspiration for sjov over hele kloden. Det ligger
os meget på hjerte at få børn til at lege i et sjovt
og sikkert miljø, hvor de har frihed til at lege og
forældrene ro i sindet.
Köszönjük, hogy Plum terméket vásárolt!
A Plum a játékok szakértője, szárnyakat ad a gyerme-
kek képzelőerejének. Már több mint 25 éve inspirál-
juk a vidám játékot az egész világon. Szenvedélyünk
a játszás ösztönzése egy vidám és biztonságos
környezetben, amely a játék szabadságát adja a
gyermekeknek és nyugalmat a szülőknek.
Plum ürünü aldığınız için teşekkür ederiz.
Plum, hayal gücünün gelişmesi için gerekli yakıtı
sağlayan oyun zamanı uzmanıdır. 25 yıldan uzun süredir
dünya üzerinde eğlence konusunda ilham kaynağıyız.
Eğlenceli ama aynı zamanda güvenli ortamlarda oyun
oynamayı teşvik ederek çocuklara oyun oynama
özgürlüğü, anne-babalara da zihin rahatlığı sağlıyoruz.
Σας ευχαριστούμε που προτιμήσατε την Plum
Η Plum ειδικεύεται στους χώρους παιχνιδιού
με στόχο την ανάπτυξη της φαντασίας. Εδώ
και παραπάνω από 25 χρόνια, εμπνέουμε την
ψυχαγωγία σε όλον τον πλανήτη. Πάθος μας είναι να
ενθαρρύνουμε το παιχνίδι σε ένα ψυχαγωγικό αλλά
και ασφαλές περιβάλλον, παρέχοντας ελευθερία στα
παιδιά και ηρεμία στους γονείς τους.
Plum是专家级玩具品牌, 我们用玩具激发孩
子们的无限想象。 超过25年以来, 我们在全球
各地给孩子们带来快乐。 我们极其重视在既
与游乐, 给孩子们自由自在的玩耍空间, 同时
Register online now for your
extended warranty!
Visit our website at:
Warranty Number: 27622AA69
*UK only
30/03/2017 16:37


Table des Matières

Table des Matières