EXAMPLE C.- Measuring the C/N ratio of an analogue signal
Take the following figure as an example, showing an analogue television signal:
Figure 10.- Measuring the C/N ratio of an analogue channel.
In the example in the previous figure it has been decided to measure the C/N ratio
inside the channel, in other words the noise is measured inside the channel at the point
where the content of the video signal is the minimum.
From the C/N scale [34] you obtain a C/N ratio of 41 dB.
Given that the Noise Limit indicator [2] was lit when the measurement was taken,
we may come to the conclusion that the C/N ratio is greater than 41 dB.
May 2001
Measurement conditions:
Video carrier freq.:
RF attenuation:
Noise Limit indicator
520.25 MHz
10 dB
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