fications dictées par le progrès technique.
Débrancher l'appareil avant de l'ouvrir.
6. Conditions de garantie
Nous garantissons le bon fonctionnement de nos
machines et installations pendant une durée de
12 mois. Cette garantie entre en vigueur a la
date de la facture et couvre tout défaut relatif aux
pièces, au montage ou a la construction. Pen-
dant ce temps, nous assurons la réparation gra-
tuite par nos soins, a condition d´avoir fait un
usage de la machine conforme aux règles. Les
pièces éventuellement remplacées demeurent
en notre propriété et doivent être mises a notre
Est exclu de la garantie tout défaut du a un man-
que d'entretien, ainsi que tout défaut ou vice dus
a des réparations non conformes aux règles de
l'art ou a l'utilisation de pièces de rechange non
conformes aux pièces d'origine. De même, la
garantie ne couvre pas les pièces en porcelaine
ou en verre et toutes les pièces soumises a une
usure naturelle, notamment les joints, les van-
nes, les robinets, les résistances de chauffe, les
peintures, les boutons de commandent et les
thermostats. La reconnaissance des défauts
couverts par la garantie nécessite un compte-
rendu écrit du Service Après-vente et un contrôle
a l'usine.
La garantie ne couvre pas les problèmes causes
par le calcaire.
1. Starting operation
Connect up the sup warmer as instructed
under „Connection and Installation" (see 4.).
Make sure that the main supply is switched
As soon as the supply is applied to the cup
warmer, the warming plates
be switched on by using the main switch
2. Switching off
The cup warmer should be switched off if it
is not going to be used for some time.
Switch off the warming plate
using the main switch
3. Cleaning and care
Catering cup warmers represent an invest-
ment and it is worthwhile maintaining their
value. Machines that are cared for do not
only look better, they keep their value. For
this purpose, MELITTA provides you with a
coordinated care program.
Neither may the cup warmer be immersed in
water, nor may water be poured or sprayed
over it. Always withdraw the mains plug
before cleaning!
Cleaning the outside:
For special care of stainless steel surfaces
we recommend Swirl-EST cleaning agents
in spray cans, Order No.: 201025.
Spray stainless steel surfaces lightly, leave
shortly to sink in and wipe off with a dry
cloth. Please do not spray the plastic parts
and painted surfaces.
Caution: The cleaning agent contains alipha-
tics with special cleaning properties. Propel-
lant: Propane/butane. Pressurized can. Protect
from direct sunlight and temperatures above
50° C. Do not force open or burn after use. Do
not spray into flames or onto red-hot objects.
Do not breathe in fumes; provide good air cir-
culation. Keep out of reach of children. Do not
spray into eyes.
After breathing in: Relax, fresh air, poss. seek
doctor's advice. After body contact: Remove
soiled clothes, wash thoroughly with water.
After eye contact: Rinse immediately with plen-
ty of water. After swallowing: Rinse mouth out
immediately, poss. seek doctor's advice.
4. Connection and assembly
Important annotation:
For service articles like sugar,
spoons, etc. the module Melitta
cup CWS is available, ref no.
This module is placed on the lower plate of the
cup warmer. For this reason the lower heating
element of the cup warmer is not connected to
the mains. In case this module is not used the
electrical connection has to be made by an
electrician at the installation of the cup warmer.