* (To make the installation easier it will be better to
have the thermostat near to the receiver in learning
How to use your thermostat
Use the (OK) key to change the mode in the
Operating mode menu. (The active mode is framed)
OFF mode: (Manual mode)
Use this mode if you want to stop the Heating or
Cooling function in the room. The ambient
temperature will be displayed all the time.
Press once on the (OK) to turn on the backlight only
and a second time to change the operating mode.
Simple installation without main zone
The antifreeze temperature (7°C) will be maintained
in the room all the time.
Installation with main zone programmer: (with or
without Heating and Cooling function)
- In heating mode: (Winter)
The antifreeze temperature (7°C) will be maintained
in the room all the time.
- In cooling mode: (Summer)
The thermostat will be switched Off.
COMFORT operating mode: (Manual mode)
By pressing the keys (-) or (+), the actual comfort
setting temperature is now displayed, then press the
desired key 1 sec to start the increment or
decrement of the setting temperature.
The ambient room temperature reappears after a few
Press once on the (OK) to turn on the backlight only
and a second time to change operating the mode.