How to use the advanced funct ons
3. Sleep funct on
The Sleep funct on s used to decrease energy use wh le you sleep (and don t need the same
temperature sett ngs to stay comfortable). Th s funct on can only be act vated v a remote control.
Note: The sleep funct on s not ava lable n Fan or Dry mode.
4. Zone Follow funct on
The Zone Follow funct on enables the remote control to measure the temperature at ts current
locat on. When us ng Auto, Cool, or Heat funct ons, measur ng amb ent temperature from the
remote control ( nstead of from the ndoor un t tself) w ll enable the a r cond t oner to opt m ze
the temperature around you and ensure max mum comfort.
1. Press Zone Follow button to act vate funct on. The remote control w ll send temperature s gnal
to the ndoor un t every three m nutes.
2. Press Zone Follow button aga n to turn off th s funct on.
- Buttons des gn s based on typ cal model and m ght be sl ghtly d fferent from the
actual one you purchased, the actual shape shall preva l.
- All the funct ons descr bed are accompl shed by the un t, f the un t has no th s
feature, there s no correspond ng operat on happened when press the relat ve
button on the remote controller.
- When there are w de d fferences between Remote controller Illustrat on and USERS
MANUAL on funct on descr pt on, the descr pt on on USERS MANUAL shall preva l.
- Th s equ pment has been tested and found to comply w th the l m ts for a Class
B d g tal dev ce, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These l m ts are des gned
to prov de reasonable protect on aga nst harmful nterference n a res dent al
nstallat on. Th s equ pment generates, uses and can rad ate rad o frequency
energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance w th the nstruct ons, may cause
harmful nterference to rad o commun cat ons. However, there s no guarantee that
nterference w ll not occur n a part cular nstallat on. If th s equ pment does cause
harmful nterference to rad o or telev s on recept on, wh ch can be determ ned
by turn ng the equ pment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the
nterference by one or more of the follow ng measures:
Reor ent or relocate the rece v ng antenna.
Increase the separat on between the equ pment and rece ver.
Connect the equ pment nto an outlet on a c rcu t d fferent from that to wh ch the
rece ver s connected.
Consult the dealer or an exper enced rad o/TV techn c an for help. Changes or
mod f cat ons not approved by the party respons ble for compl ance could vo d suers
author ty to operate the equ pment.
A r cond t oner remote control / User Manual
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