Warn ngs (for us ng R290 refr gerant only)
That there no l ve electr cal components and w r ng are exposed
wh le charg ng, recover ng or purg ng the system;
That there s cont nu ty of earth bond ng.
7. Repa rs to sealed components
1) Dur ng repa rs to sealed components, all electr cal suppl es shall be
d sconnected from the equ pment be ng worked upon pr or to any
removal of sealed covers, etc. If t sabsolutely necessary to have an
electr cal supply to equ pment dur ng serv c ng, then a permanently
operat ng form of leak detect on shall be located at the most cr t cal
po nt to warn of a potent ally hazardous s tuat on.
2) Part cular attent on shall be pa d to the follow ng to ensure that
by work ng on electr cal components, the cas ng s not altered n
such a way that the level of protect on s affected. Th s shall nclude
damage to cables, excess ve number of connect ons, term nals not
made to or g nal spec f cat on, damage to seals, ncorrect f tt ng of
glands, etc.
Ensure that apparatus s mounted securely.
Ensure that seals or seal ng mater als have not degraded such
that they no longer serve the purpose of prevent ng the ngress of
flammable atmospheres. Replacement parts shall be n accordance
w th the manufacturer's spec f cat ons.
The use of s l con sealant may nh b t the effect veness of
some types of leak detect on equ pment. Intr ns cally safe
components do not have to be solated pr or to work ng
on them.
Local air conditioner
15 / 224 EN