Tracking your fitness
About activity tracking
You use your TomTom Touch to track how active you are. Here are some of things you can do:
Create a body goal for fat, muscle or weight.
Create a steps goal for number of steps per day or per week.
Create a sports goal for, for example, cycling, running or gym work.
Track time spent being physically active, steps, calories burned and distance moved.
See your daily and weekly progress for your set goal.
Upload your activity tracking data to the TomTom MySports website and TomTom MySports
mobile app.
Reviewing your activity in MySports
You can see your progress against your daily activity tracking goal on the dashboard page both in
the MySports mobile app and on the MySports website. The dashboard is up to date and reflects the
last time data was synced from your TomTom Touch.
You can find more detail in the Progress section when you select Activity Tracking as a type, or if
you click on your activity tracking goal. You can change metrics by clicking on the labels below the
graph. You can also change the time period to daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.