Your Fitness Tracker
About your Fitness Tracker
1. Strap fastening - insert both pegs on the strap to make sure your Fitness Tracker is securely
2. Touchscreen - swipe through the touchscreen for an overview of your activity tracking metrics
and the different modes.
You swipe DOWN to move to the screens above the clock screen. These screens are as follows:
Sports mode
Body composition
Heart rate
You swipe UP to move to the screens below the clock screen. These screens are as follows:
Energy or calories burnt
Active time
Sleep duration
Tip: All these screens also show progress against a goal if one has been set.
3. Circular goal icon - if you have a daily activity goal, there is a circular goal icon above your
chosen metric or the clock, showing for example, steps. This goal icon fills up each day as you
move towards achieving your goal.
Tip: There is a default goal set of 10,000 steps.
4. Clock screen - when you wake your device by touching the screen, you see the clock screen
with the time shown. Swipe up or down from the clock screen to see metrics and modes.
5. Button - the button is used to wake up the device, for taking body composition measurements
and to start and stop recording in Sports mode.
Note: To swipe the touchscreen, slide your finger along the length of the touchscreen from top to
bottom to swipe DOWN or slide from bottom to top to swipe UP.