Fill level of data memory
Connecting the datalogger
The fill level LEDs visualise the current fill level of the data-
logger, i.e. the internal memory capacity used.
One bar corresponds to 10 % of the internal memory
capacity: Permanent illumination means that the memory
capacity is fully used. Flashing LEDs indicate the level at
which data are being stored.
Example: When the 3rd bar from the bottom is flashing, the
capacity used is larger than 20 % but smaller than 30 %.
When the DL2 is used in conjunction with a
Gigabit-Network device (laptop, switch, etc.),
problems can occur when the connection is being
established. In this case, we recommend using a
100 Mbit-switch between the two devices.
In order to start the DL2-Discover-Tool, Java
version 6 or higher is required.
The datalogger is designed for direct connection to a PC
via a LAN connection or a router and is used for remote
access. Please carry out the following steps:
1. Install the search tool:
The search tool can either be started from the
CD (DL2DiscoverToolSetup.exe) or from the
internet (http://www.resol-dl2.de/discover/)
(Confirm the security enquiry about the digital signature)
2a. Starting the tool from the internet:
The datalogger will automatically be searched and dis-
played as soon as it is found by the search tool. If several
dataloggers are found in the local network, they will be
listed in the „devices found" list. The name mentioned
in this list is the device name which can be set on the
„General" Configuration page of the web interface.
2b. Installation from the CD:
Start „DL2 DiscoverToolSetup.exe". The search tool
will be installed under „Programme\RESOL\DL2Dis-
Start the DL2 Discovertool. The DL2 will automatically
be searched and displayed as soon as it is found by the
search tool. If several dataloggers are found in the local
network, they will be listed in the „devices found" list.
The name mentioned in this list is the device name
which can be set on the „General" Configuration page
of the web interface.
Mark the datalogger found by the tool by clicking it
Click „Open"