Technical Specifications - Perel WC114 Mode D'emploi

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  • FR

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  • FRANÇAIS, page 9
Manual Set ting
I t is pos s ible to s et the time manually, e.g. for us e in plac es where no radio - s ignal is
rec eived.
P res s and hold the manual s etting button. A fter ± 3 s ec onds the minutes and hour
hands s tart moving.
H old down the manual s etting and release a c ouple of minutes before desired time
s etting.
P res s the manual s etting button repeatedly until the desired time indication is
reac hed.
When no pres s is detected within 7 s econds, the c lock s tarts running.
Forced Receiving
T o forc e the c loc k to s ynchronize, pres s and hold the forc ed rec eption button for
± 3 s ec onds. T he c urrent time is s tored in memory and all hands will s tart moving
towards 1 2 :0 0. T he c lock attempts to s ynchronize with the mas ter c lock.
When s ync hronization is s uccessful, the hands will move towards the c orrect time.
I f it fails however, the hands will move towards the time that was memorized.
T o res et the time and memory, pres s and hold the res et button with a piec e of
metal (e.g. a blank paperc lip).
A ll hands will move to the 1 2 :0 0 pos ition and the memory is c leared. T he c lock will
attempt to s ync hronize to the mas ter c lock.

Technical Specifications

power s upply ......................................................................... 1 x 1 .5 V A A /LR6 (not inc l.)
dimens ions
dial............................................................................................................. Ø 2 7 .5 c m
clock..................................................................................................... Ø 2 9 .5 x 4 c m
weight .................................................................................................................. ± 6 5 0 g
Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot be held
responsible in the event of damage or injury resulting f rom (incorrect) use of
this device. For more inf o concerning this product and the latest version of this
manual, please visit our website The inf ormation in this manual
is subject to change without prior notice.
RE D D eclaration of C onformity
H ereby, V elleman N V dec lares that the radio equipment type [WC 114] is in c ompliance
with D irec tive 2 014/53/EU.
T he full text of the E U dec laration of c onformity is available at the following internet
addres s :
The copyright to this manual is owned by Velleman nv. A ll worldwide rights
reserved. N o part of this manual may be c opied, reproduced, translated or reduc ed to
any elec tronic medium or otherwis e without the prior written c onsent of the c opyright
V . 01 – 05 /07 /2018
©V elleman nv


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