Safety Instructions; General Guidelines; User Manual - Perel WC114 Mode D'emploi

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Les langues disponibles
  • FR

Les langues disponibles

  • FRANÇAIS, page 9
To all residents of the European Union
Important environmental inf ormation about this product
T his s ymbol on the devic e or the pac kage indicates that disposal of the devic e after its
lifec ycle could harm the environment. D o not dis pose of the unit (or batteries ) as
uns orted munic ipal was te; it s hould be taken to a s pec ialized c ompany for rec ycling.
T his device should be returned to your d is tributor or to a loc al rec ycling s ervice. Respect
the loc al environmental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
T hank you for c hoos ing P erel! P lease read the manual thoroughly before bringing this
devic e into s ervice. I f the devic e was damaged in trans it, do not ins tall or us e it and
c ontac t your dealer.

Safety Instructions

Read and unders tand this manual and all s afety s igns before us ing this appliance.
I ndoor us e only.
T his device can be us ed by c hildren aged from 8 years and above, and pers ons with
reduc ed phys ical, s ensory or mental c apabilities or lac k of experience and
knowledge if they have been given s upervision or ins truction c oncerning the us e of
the devic e in a s afe way and unders tand the hazards involved. C hildren s hall not
play with the devic e. C leaning and us er maintenance s hall not be made by c hildren
without s upervision.

General Guidelines

Refer to the V elleman
A ll modific ations of the devic e are forbidden for s afety reasons. D amage caused by
us er modific ations to the device is not c overed by the warranty.
O nly us e the device for its intended purpos e. U s ing the device in an unauthorised
way will void the warranty.
D amage c aused by dis regard of c ertain guidelines in this manual is not c overed by
the warranty and the dealer will not ac c ept responsibility for any ens uing defec ts or
problems .
N or V elleman nv nor its dealers c an be held res ponsible for any damage
(extraordinary, inc idental or indirect) – of any nature (financ ial, phys ical...) aris ing
from the pos s ession, us e or failure of this produc t.
Keep this manual for future referenc e.
V . 01 – 05 /07 /2018


Service and Q uality Warranty on the las t pages of this
©V elleman nv


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