Set the Temperature Control Knob to 450°F/230°C
Turn the On/Off Timer Dial clockwise to approximately 7 - 8 minutes
Set the Mode Dial to Toast (
When the toast is done, the signal bell rings and the Oven
shuts off automatically.
Remove the toast.
Helpful Hints
1) When making a second batch of toast you may need to turn the timer
to fewer minutes than on the first batch to achieve the same results.
2) To stop the Toast cycle before completion, turn the On/Off Timer Knob
counterclockwise to the 'Off' position.
3) A variety of breads and thicknesses can be used; whole wheat, rye, white
and muffins, bagels or roll halves. Thicker, fresher bread will require more
toasting time.
Frozen foods can be defrosted in the Oven more safely than on a kitchen
counter and more quickly than in a refrigerator.
Set the Temperature Control Dial to the 0° position
Turn the On/Off Timer Knob counterclockwise to the 'On' position or
turn the On/Off Timer Dial clockwise if less than 60 minutes is required.
Press the Convection Switch to 'On'
The Defrost Function does not shut off automatically when the 'On'
position on the On/Off Timer Knob is used. Turn the On/Off Timer Dial
clockwise to the 'Off' position when defrosting is completed.
NOTE: As thawed food held too long at room temperature can result in
serious illness, do not thaw for longer than one hour in the Oven. Any
food requiring more than one hour to thaw should be defrosted in
the refrigerator.