Default Scanning Area
Adjust the scanning size as well as adjust the "Scan Off set" setting to move
the image position of slide.
Magic Touch / Auto Color
Enable / disable Magic Touch and Auto Color adjustment to
Magic Touch is a powerful dust and scratch removal technology that does away
with the hassle of learning complex and tedious software techniques. Being
hardware-based, it works seamlessly with the scanning process to ensure the
best possible results when bringing images into the computer. Dust, scratches
and other fl aws are intelligently detected and eliminated, restoring the image to
its original beauty.
Scanning with Magic Touch requires longer scanning times, the feature is turned
off by default.
Auto Color takes the guesswork out of the scanning process to streamline the
workfl ow and achieve the best results. Proprietary color enhancement
technology is applied to scanned images to provide the most accurate color
adjustment, resulting in vibrant images with optimal brightness, contrast and