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Information On Warranty - Smeg DEMI-One Mode D'emploi


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  • FR

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The manufacturer grants warranty on your product, if used in accordance with the instructions described in
this manual, for a period of 24 months for mechanical and electrical components.
The warranty starts from the date of delivery to the customer, which must be proven by returning the
warranty form duly filled in and signed.
In case of dispute, the date on the delivery note relating to the equipment serial number will be valid. The
warranty does not cover defects or damage caused by:
• Incorrect installation
• Inadequate maintenance
• Tampering or unauthorized modifications
• Incorrect use of the equipment
• Non-compliance with the instructions included in this manual
The replacement of equipment or the extension of the warranty period because of breakdown is excluded.
Repair under warranty is carried out at judgment of the manufacturer and does not include packing and
shipment costs.
Questo apparecchio è stato realizzato con la massima cura di tecnici altamente specializzati. Attenersi esattamente alle
istruzioni di impiego. Guasti riconducibili a difetti dei materiali o a lavorazioni che dovessero manifestarsi nel periodo di
garanzia verranno riparati gratuitamente. L'apparecchio va inviato insieme alla cartolina di garanzia al centro di Assi-
stenza Tecnica Autorizzata. Utilizzare l'imballo originale o un imballo idoneo. Non si assume nessuna responsabilità in
caso di uso non conforme alle istruzioni o di spedizione in imballo non idoneo. Gli interventi di garanzia vanno richiesti
dal deposito dentale fornitore, fornendo la necessaria documentazione.
The product has been manufactured with extreme care by highly qualified people. A wide variety of test and inspec-
tions guarantees fault-free operations. Please, pay particular attention to the enclosed User Manual. If deficiency or
damage occur during guarantee period which are caused by the material, these will be remedied free of charge. The
defective unit must be returned with this warranty certificates. Please request special transport packaging if this is not
available. Services under warranty are provided by the distributor or indirectly by its contractual partners. We accept
no responsibility for damage caused by improper handling or inadequate packaging during the return of goods. Claims
under warranty are submitted by the supply depot of the user to the manufacturer along with all necessary documents.
Ce produit a été fabriqué avec le plus grand soin par des spécialistes hautement qualifiés. Divers contrôles et vérifica-
tion garantissent un parfait fonctionnement. Veuillez lire attentivement la notice d'utilisation ci-jointe. Si des défaut out
détériorations liés au matériel apparaissent durant la période de garantie, il s seront entièrement pris en charge. Utilisé
impérativement un emballage spécial pour le transport si le carton d'origine n'est plus en votre possession.
Le frais de transport seront à la charge de l'expéditeur. Le détériorations consécutive à une mauvaise manipulation où
à un défaut d'emballage lors du retour ne seront pas prises en charge. Le demandes de prise en charge de garantie
n'interviennent pas directement entre l'utilisateur et le fabriquant. Celles-ci doivent être transmises à votre fournisseur
avec les justificatifs nécessaires.
Dieses Produkt wurde von hoch qualifizierten Fachleuten mit grosster Sorgfalt gefertigt. Vielfältige Prufungen und
Kontrollen garantieren eine einwandfreien Funktion. Beachten Sie bitte genau die beiliegende Gebrauchsanweisung.
Sollten innerhalb der Garantie frist Mangel und Schade auftreten, die auf das Material zuruckzufuhren sind, wer-
den diese kostenlos behoben. Das defekte gerat muss mit diese Garantieschein eingesandt werden. Bitte Spezial
Transportverpackung anfordern, falls Originalverpackung nicht mehr verfügbar. Die Garantieleistung erfolgt mittelbar
durch das Lieferdepot oder unmittelbar durch deren Vertragspartner. Fur Schaden durch unsachgemasse Behandlung
oder unzureichende Verpackung bei der Einsendung haften wir nicht. Garantianspruche werden durch Lieferdepot des
Anwenders an den Fabrikanten unter Befugung aller dafür nötigen Unterlagen.
Purchase date :
Purchase date :
Date de vente :
Verkauf Datum :
Distributore :
Supply depot :
Cachet du depot Lieferdepot:
Stadio medico ospedaliero :
Clinic/Laboratory address:
Nome et adresse du client :
Klinik/Labor adresse :
Revision n° 2
User manual DEMI-One
CODE: 751202
SN: 90000D0010
Editing: 03/2009

