The mux output frequency and bandwidth can be specified directly as MHZ, or the channel to
use can be specified according to the standard channelling foreseen in the various countries.
The output power can be set in dBuV, in the range foreseen by the technical specification.
Below are certain parameters that depend on the modulation standard used.
For DVB-T the following are specified:
FEC (1/2 ,2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8), guard interval (1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32), constellation (QPSK,16QAM and
64QAM), number of carriers (8K, 2K), spectrum (normal or inverted).
For DVB-C the following are specified:
Constellation (256QAM, 128QAM, 64QAM, 32QAM, 16QAM), symbol rate, spectrum (normal or
The "Alarm overflow" box shows if a band overflow has to be notified to the user by the led on
the bottom or not.
NB: Click on save for the changes to become effective.
From the menu CONFIGURATION->PROGRAMS you can access the output program
configuration page, independent for each mux:
Fig. 10
The section on the left shows the program list received from the inputs, plus those input to the
system from the .TS files in a USB drive.
The input program columns show respectively:
the program name, the input the program comes from, the program type (TV, Radio, Data), if the
received program is free to air or encrypted, if decryption has been flagged for one of the two
CAMS and the band used by the program (if the relative box is flagged).
If the program is used to create one of the two output mux, the box is automatically flagged and
the relative band is shown.
The section on the right shows the output program lists.
To add programs to an output, drag and drop the program name from the input list to the output
To do this, click the left button on the mouse over the program in the input program list and keep
it pressed and drag the program and then release it in the table for the required output mux.