REMOVE: to remove the selected list from the list of output programs.
POSITION: to set the priority and, therefore, the program position in the list of output
LCN: to set the program LCN. The available values are between 0 and 999.
1000 means a deactivated LCN.
BAND: manage the program bitrate monitoring.
MONITORING: to enable/deactivate the program bitrate monitoring if it has not been
added to the channel list. This enables verifying whether the program has been
included in the output mux or not, according to the program bitrate.
AVERAGE VALUE: to view the program average bitrate value.
PEAK VALUE: to view the program peak bitrate value.
PROGRAM PROPERTIES: to view useful data about the programs.
PROGRAM NAME: to view the program name.
PROVIDER NAME: to view the provider name.
INPUT: to view the corresponding input provenance.
PROGRAM TYPE: to view the program type (TV, RADIO...).
SERVICE ID: to view the program service ID.
SELECT COUNTRY: to select the installation country.
TS ID: to view and change the ID associated to the transport stream by the broadcaster.
SYSTEM SETUP: to set the LAN and WAN network and the type.