The ASSOCIATE TO field enables associating the selected CAM slot to the required input. After
selection the program list received from the input is shown.
For each of the received programs, the icon in the "free to air" column shows whether the
program is free to air or encrypted; by flagging the decrypt column box the program can be
enabled for decryption.
There are keys below the program table for the advanced functions shown in figure 6:
RESET CAM: to reset the CAM module in the slot.
COMMON MENU INTERFACE: to access the common interface menu (only enabled if the
CAM supports the menu).
SHOW CAM MESSAGES: shows the CAM messages (only enabled if there are pending
ADVANCED SETTINGS: change the advanced settings in the CAM module
NB: Click on "Save" to make the changes effective.
By clicking on "Menu common interface" the following screen opens:
FIg. 6
Fig. 7