CAUTION: Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and
dangerous operation. Verify proper operation after servicing.
ATTENTION: Au moment de l'entretien des commandes, étiquetez tous les fils avant de les débrancher. Des
erreurs de câblage peuvent entraîner un fonctionnement inadéquat et dangereux. S'assurer que
l'appareil fonctionne adéquatement une fois l'entretien terminé.
If any of the following symptoms occur on this dryer, check the suggested remedies listed below. If all probable
causes have been eliminated and the symptom still exists, contact your local Dexter agent for further
troubleshooting assistance. See contact information in Preventative Maintenance section. Parts & Service Manuals
from Dexter are also available for further troubleshooting assistance.
Tumbler Does not turn
Tumbler Turns, but no
burner flame is present
Slow Drying
F1 or F2 Fault Code
displayed on control
F3 Fault Code displayed on
F4 or F5 Fault Code
displayed on control
8514-262-001 REV G PAGE 32
Probable Cause
Loading Door
Lint Compartment Door
Drive Belts
Variable Frequency
Drive Fault
Gas shut-off valve
Ignition Module
Lint Screen
Air flow Restrictions/
Make-up Air
Temperature Sensor
Control Error
Drying Temperature
Suggested Remedy
Check that Loading Door is completely closed
Check that Lint Compartment Door is completely closed.
Check drive belts for excessive wear. Replace as needed.
Contact Dexter agent for assistance
Make sure gas shut-off valve is in the open position
Follow the procedure for checking the ignition cycle
listed in Dryer Ignition section of this manual.
Check that proper Temperature setting is chosen.
Clean Lint Screen
Follow installation guidelines for static back pressure and
make-up air
Check exhaust for obstructions, follow installation
See Dryer Fault Code section of this manual or contact
Dexter agent for assistance
See Dryer Fault Code section of this manual or contact
Dexter agent for assistance
See Dryer Fault Code section of this manual or contact
Dexter agent for assistance