4.3 temperature values modification by pressing the
To modify the room temperature values, proceed as follows:
press the Ip button to enable the pRoGR function;
• press the
• Press the +/-
• Press the Ip button to exit the function.
4.4 programmable sWitching time function (button
4.4.1 HolIDay pRoGRaM function
It is possible to temporary shut off the timing program (section 3.6) for a certain period of time. During this period of time
a minimum room temperature value is guaranteed (default value 5°C). To modify this temperature value see section 4.3
under the entry "noFRs".
To enable the function proceed as follows:
press the
press the
button, the display shows the writing MM 60 and the
Press the +/-
buttons to set the period of the timing program with 10 minutes step. The period of time is settable from
a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 45 days.
By pressing the +
in this case the period of time is carries out in hours from a minimum of 2 hours to a maximum of 47 hours, with 1 hour
By pressing the +
in this case the period of time is carried out in days from a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 45 days, with 1 day
BaxI - 95.187.1
button to select the required function as described in the following table:
The set temperature value
(factory setting = 0°c)
The set temperature value
(factory setting = 18°c)
The set temperature value
(factory setting = 5 °c)
The set temperature value
(factory setting = 40°c)
button to modify the value of the selected function.
button to set the function to "auto" (symbol
button after 90 minutes, the display shows "HH 0":.
button after 47 hours, the display shows "DD 0":
Description of function
Boiler operation in heating mode at nominal temperature.
Boiler operation in heating mode at reduced temperature.
Boiler operation in heating mode at room frost protection temperature.
Boiler operation in DHW mode at DHW temperature set.
In this example the function has a period of 60 minutes.
symbols flashing.
InstRuctIons peRtaInInG to tHe useR