Lights are blinking! What's going on?
Your Café Select™ is reminding you that it's time to de-scale. If you can't do
the de-scaling right then, just go ahead and brew your coffee. The blinking
will stop after a few seconds and then you can proceed. We recommend de-
scaling as soon as possible.
After every 120 brews, full carafe and single serve combined, the lower
far-left button (Robusto) and the lower far-right button (20 oz.) will begin
to blink prior to brewing your coffee selection. After you run the Auto Clean™
system, the blinking will stop, until it is time to clean the unit again.
How do I use Auto Clean™?
Follow the simple steps below. Your Café Select™ will take care of the rest.
1. Fill the water reservoir approximately half-way with white vinegar.
2. Fill the remaining half of the water reservoir with cool water.
3. Place a #4 paper cone filter into the carafe side brew basket, close the lid and
place the empty carafe onto the carafe plate.
4. Place the single serve Pod adapter into the single serve brew basket cavity
and lock the lid closed.
5. Place a mug or other receptacle that holds a minimum of 20 ounces of liquid
onto the single serve mug base.
6. Press and hold both the robusto and 20 oz. buttons together for five seconds to
start the Auto Clean™ system.
Note: The LED lights for robusto and 20 oz. will remain lit to indicate that the
Auto Clean™ system is activated.
7. Leave unit to Auto Clean™ for approximately 80 minutes.
8. When Auto Clean™ has finished, the LED lights for robusto and 20 oz. will turn off.
9. Discard the liquid in both the carafe and single serve mug or receptacle.
10. Using water only, run a minimum of two full brew cycles through the full carafe.
11. Using water only, run a minimum of two 20 ounce brews through the single
serve unit.
12. Wash, rinse and dry each removable piece of your Café Select™ (see the Basic
Cleaning section of this guide for specific instructions).