Castors as per DIN EN 12 5 29 – with load con-
trolled braking mechanism.
For textile floor coverings: Castors with a hard surface.
For non-textile floor coverings: Castors with a soft
surface – The moving ring has a different colour.
1. Better working
GLIDE-TEC keeps you moving –
and at the same time allows you
to work comfortably in every sit-
ting position. It doesn't matter if
you lean back or sit upright, your
hands remain in contact with the
writing surface or keyboard in
every position.
Intelligent seating comfort world-wide patented by Grammer Office!
Service work such as working on or replacing gas
springs may only be carried out by trained experts.
Cleaning and care
You can use a soap solution to clean plastic parts.
You can clean the cushions with normal upholstery
cleaning agents. You can clean the back mem-
brane using suction or dry foam.
2. Better sitting
Your back needs movement –
even during sitting. Because a
healthy and strong spinal co-
lumn is aided by a frequent
change between a bent and a
straight back.
3. Better relaxing
With GLIDE-TEC you remain
fresh – even at the end of a long
sedentary working day. It doesn't
matter which sitting position you
use, our innovative seat techno-
logy prevents tension, the neck
is not overstretched and always
stays relaxed – and your head