Pump operation can be paused by pressing
HOLDING and the yellow LED indicator will be lit up to give a quick visual indication of an informational status in a darkened room.
Note: The pump's alarm will sound if it has been left HOLDING for 10 minutes without further input.
There are five options available during HOLDING. See Figures 18A and 18B.
Clear Volume Fed
CLEAR VOLUME to re-zero the output feed totals "mL FED," "BOLUSES FED," and "mL FLUSH."
Adjust Settings
ADJUST SETTINGS to return to one of the opening menus shown in Figures 7A-7D, thus allowing any setting to be
modified. If the pump set has been removed after going into HOLD, the opening menu will show LOAD A SET, as seen in
Figures 5A-5B.
Resume In __ Minutes (Not Available in EZ Pump Mode)
"RESUME IN __ MIN" once to immediately place the Kangaroo™ Joey enteral feed and flush pump with pole clamp into a
30-minute resume running mode. Pressing the
other input is needed to start the countdown, as the time immediately counts down after the 30-minute value is reached.
RUN to immediately restart pump operation. This option will not be available if the pump set is removed during HOLD.
History (Not Available in EZ Pump Mode)
HISTORY to access the HISTORY screen. Use this screen to review feeding and flushing history. See subsection "More
Options" below for further information.
Kangaroo™ Joey Enteral Feed and Flush Pump with Pole Clamp
HOLD while it is RUNNING, such as in Figure 15A. The status line will indicate
Figure 18A. HOLDING mode
options, continuous
feeding mode.
RESUME IN __ MIN button again will cyle the "resume in" time back to zero. No
Figure 18B. HOLDING mode
options, intermittent
feeding mode.
Table of Contents