Pizza from the pizza oven
650 g
wheat fl our type 550
420 g
cold water
28 g
fresh yeast
12 g
1 tbsp
20 ml
olive oil extra vergine
Mix the dough
Put the fl our in a large bowl with a lid if possible (the dough is still rising!) and mix with the salt.
Hollow out the middle and fi ll it with some of the water. Crumble in the yeast and dissolve by
stirring together with the sugar. Add the remaining water and mix with the dough hook of the
mixer. Can also be done by hand of course but it takes longer and is more strenuous. Knead the
dough until it gets really smooth and starts to come away from the bowl (barely 10 minutes by
Seal bowl or cover well with cling fi lm and store in a cool place for 24 h (refrigerator, or what I do
for example is leave the dough outside when the air temperature of 5°-10° C). Even though the
yeast is still working! Only slower than in warm temperatures, and that is as it should be.
This way the dough does not taste dominantly of yeast but rather like fi ne bread and it becomes
fi nely pored. You can even leave the dough like this for a few days. It will turn into something
more like a sourdough.
Garnish the pizza dough
Put two to three blobs of mustard in the middle of the pizza dough and spread out in a spiral
fashion towards the outside, leave the rim free. Sprinkle some grated cheese on top - and the
uncooked pizza is ready. It may now be garnished according to taste. Among the classics are
e.g. mozzarella and basil ('Margherita') or salami and/or (cooked) ham. Here the grated cheese
is preferably sprinkled on top rather than underneath. Only garnish fi nely, otherwise the topping is
too heavy and the pizza no longer rises! This pizza leaves every frozen pizza in the shade!
The pizza oven can be heated to almost 450° C just about the same as at the Italian. My pizzas
are normally ready after about 8 minutes at a slightly more moderate temperature with a nicely
crisp base and yet still suffi ciently succulent. Whoever does not have a pizza oven: bake in an
oven at 200° C ca. 20-25 minutes. Thinner pizzas can also handle: Heat the oven at full blast,
then place the pizza right at the bottom for 4-5 minutes and then bake right at the top for
4-5 minutes.
Topping and seasoning
Spicy Italian herbs, e.g. oregano or thyme are essential ingredients either in or on the tomato
sauce. And there should always be a pinch of sugar to neutralise the acidity of the tomatoes.
Drip a few drops of olive oil onto the fi nished pizza to enhance the fl avour. Garnish the Margherita
or others with fresh basil according to taste. Enjoy!
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25.04.16 13:20
25.04.16 13:20