12.08 D/R
Function explanation:
By setting the dual rates function, you can limit the
total travel of each individual channel.
Parameter specification:
CHANNEL: Channel number, from 1 to 3.
100%: Dual rate, when you want to increase the servo travel, turn the
button to increase the rate. When you want to decrease the servo
travel, turn the button to decrease the rate.
0% is no signal output, 100% is maximum signal output.
Adjustment range: 0 ∼ 100% (initial value is 100%).
12.09 EXP
Function explanation:
This function is used to change the sensitivity of
steering servo's 3 channels around the neutral
position. In order to "soften" the response according
to user's demand.
Parameter specification:
Channel number, from 1 to 3.
Steering EXP rate, when you want aggressive
steering operation.
Turn the "ENTER" button to increase the rate.
When you want to make steering operation less
aggressive, turn the button to decrease the rate.
Adjustment range: -100% ∼ 0 ∼ +100% (initial value is 100%).
12.10 ABS
Function explanation:
While applying the brakes, locking them up can be
easily done, which can cause your vehicle to spin
out of control. This can be eliminated by pulsing the
brakes, so that full control of your vehicle can be
achieved at all times.
The effect is like that of an A.B.S. in a real passenger
Instruction Manual
Press the "ENTER" button and turn to select the D/R option. The
selected function will be blinking. Select the channel by turning the
"ENTER" button, and then press the "END". After this, press the
"END" button to finish the setting. The rest can be done in the same
way. After finishing the setting of three channels; press the "ENTER"
button to return to menu screen.
Press "BACK" to return to the opening screen.
Press the "ENTER" button and turn select the EXP option. The selected
function will be blinking. Select the channel by turning the "ENTER"
button, and then press the "END" button. Turn the "ENTER" button
to adjust the rate. After this, press the "END" button to finish the
setting. The rest can be done in the same way.
After finishing the setting, press the "ENTER" button to return to
menu screen.
Press "BACK" to return to the opening screen.